The Plight of a Childless Woman(Concluding part)


And so the whole house was set into confusion as each person did not know what to say, the whole house was as quite as a grave yard.

Monica's mother in-law quickly stood up and said , so we have the whole case apparently settled now and that means she needs to leave this house this moment , it is that simple.

Sarah's mother quickly jumped to her feet to and added, at least he slept with her and he cannot deny that fact so we never can tell if the pregnancy belongs to him or not until the child is born and he has the sole responsibility to take proper care of her until she gives birth to this child.

Monica stood up quietly and walked straight into her bedroom without saying a word to anyone, everyone was puzzled ,so her friend quickly ran after her to prevent her from acting suicidal,she went to her wardrobe and open it quietly as she brought out this dusty looking envelope, her friend tried to ask her what the problem was but she decided to remain quite.

When she got to the living room, she smiled and said I knew all along that the pregnancy was not for my husband,every one thinks I am barren but it is really far from it , I can have my own baby as confirmed by the numerous doctors we have visited but I begged them before we got there not to disclose what the problem was to you because I never wanted you to experience even a minute of sadness but since you have the courage to now flirt around, I think I need to let everyone know what the problem is.

Eliot can you remember when you had an accident two years ago, that accident affected your ability to get a woman pregnant as I was told by the doctor, I didn't want you to know a moment of sadness at all so I decided to keep it to myself and I prayed everyday that you'll get better.

But, instead of you loving me as much as I love you, you decided to break my heart by cheatig on me
because you already concluded within you that I could not have children. This is the result of the tests carried out on you that I have hidden for years.

Sarah and her mother quickly went inside the room they had been staying to pick up their belongings and left the house quietly.

Eliot's mother kept on pleading with Monica to forgive her son for his foolish act.
Eliot knelt down and kept on pleading and asking his wife to forgive him as they both wept uncontrollably.

Eliot realized his mistakes and he started treating his wife with so much love and care again, he started taking proper drugs to help heal him up.

After six months, Monica started feeling strange and she decided to get to the hospital to find out what exactly was wrong with her. She got a result that she was pregnant, her happiness knew no bounds and she quickly went to inform her husband whose happiness no one can describe immediately after he heard the news.


Their marriage began to flourish as it was from the very beginning and Monica had her ever smiling and radiant face back again.

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