Famed Humanitarian and Child Advocate Peter Dalglish Charged with Child Rape

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In the peaceful farming village of Kartike, tucked away in the mountains outside of Kathmandu, residence expressed shock and disbelief that the well-known, and well-liked, Canadian had been preying on local Nepalese children.

On April 8th 2018, Peter Dalglish's upscale mountain hideaway was raided and he was arrested by Nepalese police on suspicion of pedophilia. At the time of his arrest he was in the company of two minor boys aged 14 and 12.

In May 2018, "humanitarian" Peter Dalglish was officially charged with child rape.

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Globe & Mail

According to the Pushkar Karki, head of Nepal’s Chief Investigation Bureau, 5 other foreigner men have been arrested in Nepal on allegations of sexual abuse of minors. In some cases the accused also having connections to charities working inside the impoverished nation.

“There have been some instances where they were found working with charities,” he said, noting that several of the men informally offered money, food and clothing to children.

“Our laws aren’t as strict as in foreign countries, and there is no social scrutiny like in developed countries.”

NY Times

It certainly would appear that child predators seek out regions lacking robust legal infrastructure and these places, more often then not, tend to be the impoverished nations of the world.

Related Post - World Renown Humanitarian Peter Dalglish Arrested on Suspicion of Pedophilia by @v4vapid

NGOs and Child Sexual Abuse

The Indian Express

In recent memory, several prominent aid agencies have been embroiled in their own sex abuse scandals involving women and children.

In 2011, it was reported that UN peacekeepers regularly engaged
in a practice known as ‘food for sex’ while part of the peace keeping mission in Haiti. The UN soldiers were part of a humanitarian effort to revive the Caribbean nation after the devastating earthquake of 2010 that killed over 100,000 Haitians.

More recently, Oxfam was rocked by the news that a former country director in Haiti with the NGO had paid for prostitutes at his home during the humanitarian mission. Furthermore, during the subsequent investigation three other Oxfam staff members had issued threats and used intimidated witnesses in the affair.

Ultimately, Oxfam Great Britain was banned from operating in Haiti. The official 2011 report and investigation into the conduct of Oxfam staff, may be masking more systemic abuse within the organization.

See Disobedient Media & Steemit article by - @elizbethleavos

In The Wake Of Oxfam, Has 'Humanitarian Aid' Become A Euphemism For Oppression?

The heart of the problem is that non-governmental organizations are by definition unaccountable to the public that funds them and impervious to those they 'serve,' as humanitarian groups operate amongst devastated populations with near impunity.

These high profile cases cast a shadow over international humanitarian efforts which provide desperately needed aid and relief to devastated regions. Unfortunately, individuals and/or groups working with NGOs are taking advantage of women and children in precarious situations by further victimizing the survivors of disasters and war.

In a similar vein, long time child advocate Peter Dalglish established a charity in the mountain village of Kartike, Nepal.
Dalglish had been living in Nepal off-and-on for nearly 15 years and after the country suffered its own devatating earthquake in 2015 he began to focus more of his humanitarian work in the region.

Grooming the Community

Those that prey on societies most vulnerable often mask their activity by endearing themselves to the local population. A sort of humanitarian-priming takes place where the individual charms, befriends, employs and champions the plight of the local community.

Lori Handrahan on Twitter   Remember  pedophiles groom the parents   community first to gain access to the children. Former Sr  UN official  Peter  Dalglish from  Canada arrested in  Nepal on child sex abuse charges.  M.png

Lori Handrahan on Twitter

Mr. Daglish’s story follows this pattern as he employed one of his victim’s fathers as a laborer for nearly 5 years to help build his ‘sleek’ home in the hills. Mr. Tamang’s described having developed a ‘warm bond with his boss’ Mr. Dalglish. Tamang even trusted Dalglish enough to allowed his (14yr old) son to spend the night at Dalglish’s home from time to time.

Effectively, Dalglish established a good rapport with the parents of potential victims and the community at large in order to perpetrate his crimes. Dalglish was held in high esteem throughout the community often buying gifts for locals and always treated those that worked for him well.

To his young victims, Dalglish offered an escape from life in Nepal promising to take them with him on trips abroad in exchange for their silence.

Undercover Nepalese police officers had befriended Mr. Tamang’s 14-year-old son who informed them that Dalglish had abused him and his 12-year-old cousin for nearly 7 years. The boys were sworn to secrecy by Mr. Dalglish concerning the nature of their intimate relationships if they wished to travel abroad with him.

“I think the police were following Peter for a long time,” Mr. Tamang said. “The boys said they were asked to sleep naked and were raped.”

NY Times

Warning Signs

Dalglish, who has made numerous return visits to Nepal since at least 2002, had previously been involved with volunteer work in Kathmandu.

The NY Times reports that people who knew him when he first began doing charity work at schools in nation’s capital remember a few discomforting instances from the past.

In Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital, at a school which provides free education to children from mountain communities, Mr. Dalglish was a popular volunteer in the early 2000s until he asked administrators to change a rule barring students from staying overnight with teachers.

Soon after, the relationship between the school’s staff members and Mr. Dalglish soured, a senior administrator said, and he was banned from the campus.

Dalglish to Plead Not Guilty

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Dalglish’s lawyer says that he will plead not guilty to the charges of child rape leveled against him.

In his only media interview since his arrest with the Canadian newspaper the Globe and Mail, Dalglish made the following statement:

'If you do the work that I do, with kids, you leave yourself open to criticism. And suspicion,' he said last month

While Dalglish maintains his innocence, there are some suggestions that there could be more charges laid in relation to past abuse.

The Daily Mail reports that chief investigator Kakri hinted to this possibility.

He said officials plan to expand their investigation because they have found evidence linked to cases of child abuse more than 12 years ago, but he would not elaborate.

The Daily Mail

In addition, Dalglish’s history is undergoing further scrutiny as at least one Canadian University, UCC in Toronto, has made inquiries into his past as a teacher stretching back two decades.

Upper Canada College (UCC) in Toronto, Canada is also seeking information regarding Dalglish’s employment as a teacher there from 1998-2002. If more survivors come forward Dalglish could also be charged in Canadian courts.

Kathmandu Tribune

The residence of Kartike remain in a state of shock that someone in their community championing children turns out to be preying on them instead.

The reaction from experts in pedophilia and child abuse, like Dr. Lori Handrahan, are more subdued if not cynical, pointing out that Dalglish fits the profile of a classic child predator – white, male and in a position of power.

We Can’t Paint All NGOs with the Same Brush

A recent article by @corbettreport emphasized the use of NGOs as a Trojan horse by western powers to gain a foothold in nations that defy the prevailing world economic order.

Highly recommended viewing.

NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses

The involvement of NGOs such as USAID in places such as Egypt, Syria, and the Ukraine, just to name a few, demonstrate the opaque nature of the organizations and question if their objectives are truly ‘humanitarian’.

Yet, an important take away from the Corbett Report’s expose on NGOs is that we must not paint all NGOs with the same brush.

The vast majority of NGOs are doing what they claim to be doing in terms of humanitarian relief, advocacy and support. Even USAID and NGOs periodically used as Trojan horses are predominantly providing the aid and assistance programs they claim to be engaged in.

Lori Handrahan on Peter Dalglish

Dr. Lori Handrahan’s Opinion piece in the Kathmandu Tribune describing how pedophiles gain access to their victims by grooming communities, bestowing each other with accolades, prizes and prestige to hide behind is a MUST READ.

The opinion piece titled “Peter Dalglish’s Teachable Moment for Humanitarians” expertly dissects the psychology of child predation.

Here’s a sample:

Pedophiles typically clad themselves in prizes and prestige. This is their armor. Dalglish sought out, and received, as many honors as he could muster including the Order of Canada. His titles indicate “this man is untouchable and protected.” He rubs shoulders with prime ministers. He has formidable friends in the UN system. He travels with global leaders. Think twice before speaking out against him.

Intimidation is what Dalglish’s extensive accolades convey — not merit.

At schools all over Asia, Europe, and North America Dalglish made the same speech describing himself as a self-sacrificing humanitarian who abandoned a lucrative career to help children in the developing world. He repeats, nearly word for word, that he gave up luxury cars to help children in disaster zones. Like this speech at a school in Bali where he describes how dedicating himself to poor children meant, “I would never race around in a convertible BMW in the streets of Vancouver with the top down and there would be no ski chalets.”

The reality is, he sacrificed nothing. Dalglish’s net worth is estimated at $7–16 million USD and is perhaps even higher. He can afford as many extravagant cars and ski chalets as he wishes. When a white privileged man complains about not being able to own a BMW due to his “sacrifice” for poor children, this is an obvious tip-off about the veracity of his “humanitarian spirit.” Yet, it seems, very few people clued in.


Let’s be clear. Peter Dalglish is not a hero. He never was.

Handrahan's description analysis of Dalglish is unflinching and astute. A man who continuously reminds the public of his altruistic qualities is perhaps someone trying to build a wall around himself to shield his actual activities from public scrutiny.

Peter Dalglish remains in a Kathmandu Jail awaiting trial, he faces up to 15 years in prison for child rape.

Additional Sources The Globe & Mail



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