Texas carpet bombs its own hurricane-traumatized victims with neurological poisons sprayed from military planes

"... . . . In other words, the carbamates make animals weak and confused, turning them into easy prey. Hmmm… can you think of any other targeted population an evil government might want to make weak and confused so that they can be easily controlled or exploited? Remember, to the government, We the People are nothing more than zoo animals living on tax farms, and they are more than happy to use chemical sprays to keep us all dumbed down and ignorant, just as former slave plantation owners refused to allow their slaves to learn to read.
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Weaponized Zika was used by the U.S. military to attack communists
As you take in all this information — none of which you’ll ever see on CNN, Fox News, the NY Times or the Washington Post because all of those organizations are run by quack pseudo-journalists and scientifically illiterate morons — keep in mind that Zika virus was weaponized and deployed against communist targets by the U.S. military.
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Now consider the question of who benefits from a Zika outbreak. Thanks to Zika, Obama has already funneled billions of dollars into vaccine companies. He also managed to redirect hundreds of millions of dollars in Zika research money to a United Nations climate change slush fund. (Hint: Obama plans to run the United Nations after ending his U.S. presidency.)
At the same time, DEET sales are exploding across America while local governments are carpet bombing cities like Miami with brain-damaging insecticide chemicals. The DEET, as we’ve documented here, contains AChE inhibitors that block brain function and cause memory loss, irritation and confusion among the voting population.
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DEET, fluoride, SSRIs, lead in the water and mercury vaccines… what do they all have in common?

Now I ask you: What do all these things have in common? Consider the common biochemical actions of DEET, fluoride, SSRI drugs, lead in the water and mercury in the flu shots (yes, vaccines still contain huge concentrations of mercury… over 50,000 ppb in my lab tests, which is over 25,000 times the maximum EPA limit of mercury in drinking water).

The answer is: THEY ALL DAMAGE BRAINS and inhibit cognitive function.

What you are observing here, if you still have the cognitive capacity to understand it, is a deliberate, coordinated, multi-vector chemical assault on your ability to think clearly.

This is a whole new kind of warfare against the commoners (the sheeple). The deliberate dumbing down you’re being subjected to isn’t just an info-propaganda campaign launched by CNN and the NY Times. There is a very real, very deliberate chemical warfare component to all this.

Yes, the U.S. government is currently waging covert chemical warfare on the American people. They are doing it using binary chemical weapons, in violation of international treaties against the use of weapons of mass destruction. And they are doing it to deliberately cause mass fear, confusion, memory loss and cognitive impairment.

Every media story you see that urges you to slather on the DEET is unknowingly participating in this binary weapons deployment. . . "

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