Distribution of electrons in subshells


Steemit Friends!

I am going to describe the topic sub shell and distribution of electrons in it.


    As discussed earlier shell or orbit are circular path around nucleus and each shell consists of sub shells.Sub shells are represented by small alphabets s,p,d,f.

The number of sub shells in a shell is equal to shell number .

  • The first shell have only one subshell i.e s
  • The 2nd shell(L) consist of two sub shell s,p
  • The 3rd shell (M) have 3 sub shell i.e s,p,d
  • The 4th shell consist of 4 subshells i.e s,p,d,f

The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated are in s sub shell 2,p 6,d 10 and f 14.

s sub shell has lowest energy, it increases from p,d and f.Filling of electrons in sub shell is according to increasing energy ,first s then p and so on....


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