Wednesday wakeup call - Toxins

Yeah yeah! I know most of ya have been up for hours already, at least those of ya state side.

But that's not the wake up I'm referring to. I'm talking about snapping out of zombie mode, waking up to your surroundings and education yourself.

I know this is a very delicate subject, but I have to talk about the realities around us. Most of which so many are oblivious to. I am scared for the future, worried about our brainwashed youth! For real!

The topics are too vast to cover in just one let's start small. I say small, but it's really rather large.
Do you have any idea how many chemicals we are exposed to daily? Seriously! I know so many find these talks to sound like they are coming from a nutjob, but I'm here to tell you, I am a living , breathing example of a human experiment. A result of the chemicals we are exposed to. We'll get into that another time.

We are exposed to over 300 harmful, toxic chemicals a day!


And believe it or not, 80 of those are typically BEFORE we even sit down to eat breakfast!


Even unborn babies are hit with the chemicals their moms use!

I can't say much, not too long ago, I had my eyes shut. Walking around dazed and confused in my own fog of understanding. Thinking I knew what was best, that I could rely on "them" to teach me and guide me in the right direction.

Wake up sick, unable to move, barely able to play with your 2yr and if you don't wake up then, I feel for ya.
My passion now, to save others the heartache I had to endure to learn.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Just start reading labels. Look up what you are feeding your skin. That's what you are doing. You are actually feeding you system. It only takes 26 seconds for these chemicals to get from your skin to your bloodstream. Crazy scary facts!

Do the research!

Much love!
Natural Disorder

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