Meaning/List of Text Terms, Internet Abbreviations, & Chat Acronyms

Dont know what to post but here it is..................

Common  Text Terms, Internet Abbreviations, & Chat Acronyms

Please dont use rude word when talking to people :)

This is for educational purpose only!

  • AAMOF=As matter of fact
  • AFAIK=As far as I know
  • AFK=Away from keyboard
  • BC=Because
  • BFF=Best Friends Forever
  • BRB=Be right back
  • BTT=Back to topic
  • BTW=By the way
  • CYA=See ya
  • DIY=Do it yourself
  • EOD=End of discussion
  • FWIW=For what it's worth
  • FYEO(4YEO)=For your eyes only
  • GR8=Great
  • IDK=I dont know
  • IMO/IMHO=In my honest/humble opinion
  • IRL=In real life
  • JK=Joke/Joking
  • L8R=Later
  • LOL=Laugh out loud
  • NOOB(n00b)=Newbie/Newcomer
  • NOYB=None of your business
  • NP=No Problem
  • OMG=Oh my god
  • OMFG=Oh my f******* god(I think)
  • OT=Off topic
  • OTW=On the way
  • OTOH=On the other hand
  • RTM/RTFM= Read the (effing) manual 
  • TIA=Thanks in advance
  • TMI=Too much information
  • WTF=(You know what it is.....-_-)
  • WTH=What the h***
  • DL=Down low
  • ATM= At the moment
  • TY= Thank/Thank You
  • WC=You are welcome/Welcome

Educational Purpose Only!

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