Chart Your Course Challenge – My Turn

At first, I wanted to ignore the challenge, and with all the writing I’m drowning in, didn’t think I had the time. I’m not usually one who backs from a challenge, but this time I just felt drained. Then I thought about it. And thought about it. And thought. Heh, why not?

Made in Canva

This might be what I need—a way to put down my goals and plans, and posting it to the blockchain seems like a great way to hold myself accountable.

I was nominated by @hispeedimagins to do the Chart Your Course Challenge. This challenge was started by @dreemsteem who runs the Treasure Hunt in PYPT (Pimp Your Post Thursday) over on the Steemit Ramble Discord server. So I rose to the challenge. Because why not?

The challenge asks you to complete 7 steps in a post. This is what it asks:

  1. What is your Steemit goal? (In one sentence, make it as specific and as measurable as possible)
  2. Prioritize these three aspects of Steemit for you: Posting, Curating, Commenting
  3. Name up to 5 groups/communities that help you to achieve your goal.
  4. Name at least one measurable future goal for: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.
  5. And because everything should end on a sweet note... name your favorite dessert!
  6. Challenge 3-5 people to chart their course!
  7. Use the #chartyourcourse tag

So here goes.

My Steemit Goal

Basically, it’s to turn writing into a full-time, sustainable career. Steemit is by far the best avenue toward realising this goal.

Prioritising Activity

I have to admit that posting is the main priority of activity on Steemit, but I do make it an effort to curate and comment as much as possible. Curating would then be second highest in priority with commenting coming in at third.

5 Groups/Communities

While I’m part of a few, I can’t honestly say I’m active enough in them. However, they do indirectly help me reach my goal, and sometimes directly as well.

@thewritersblock definitely does help me achieve my goal stated above as well as other goals I have off-Steem. Not only does my writing improve tremendously, but I’m learning to be a better editor and the support from the Block community is always warm and welcoming. I’m always hanging around on the Discord server, which I help moderate.

Along with The Writers’ Block, I’m in the PALnet, Steemstar Network, Steemit Ramble, and PSAS (Proudly South African Steemians) servers. Between writing, moderating the Block, and the time-zone differences that aren’t in my favour, I don’t get much chance to be active in them, though I try when I can. Some great radio shows on them that I love.

And I say thank you to the people on those servers for all they do for the Steemit community as a whole, and that indirectly helps me toward my goal on Steem. Without the encouraging and help provided by these servers toward quality content and helping Steemians grow, I’d not have the audience. This not only affects me, but all writers and content creators on Steem.

Measurable Goals

In the next month, I’m aiming to complete most—if not all—of my rewrite for a novel during April’s Camp NaNoWriMo. I’ve joined The Writers’ Block cabin to help get me there.

For the next three months, I’m aiming toward not only a finished rewrite of a novel, but also having it critiqued and worked for publishing. On top of that, a bunch of short stories for mainstream publishing as well. I have a secret plan to accomplish the short stories portion of the goal that I can’t yet divulge. Soon, though.

Through the coming 6 months, I’m aiming toward and hoping to have at least one story published in a magazine. I’m also planning to and aiming for completing the rewrite of another novel I wrote last year, during November’s NaNoWriMo.

And, finally, my goals for the next 12 months are to have the sustainable writing career through Steem I mentioned above. I’ll be entering writing contests and participating in #TWBbookclub to work toward reaching this goal.

Favourite Dessert

I’m more a fan of savoury treats than sweet. Salted crackers being my go-to with Camembert or blue cheese. Sweet stuff doesn’t go well with me and burns my teeth so I only occasionally indulge in such. Of the sweet stuff, black forest cake is by far my favourite dessert, followed closely by malva pudding with custard.


I hereby nominate the following people to chart their course:

@zakludick (though he's already doing so over several posts and updating his progress)

cackles as she runs away


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