Vanguard America and James Alex Fields Jr. - What the Media Is not Telling You

Vanguard America, James Alex Fields Jr., Kevin Strom and Pedophilia

Racist Nationalism is not the Same as Nationalism

I am for Nationalism to some degree, being an anarcho capitalist means that in my ideal ancap world nations and governments would not exist. However until we get to that type of voluntarism society, we must not allow the powers that should not be to break down National Sovereignty just to further empower a Global governance. So as long as we are in the current situation we are in, then we must maintain National Sovereignty to combat centralization under a centralized Global Government which would be even worse and less decentralized than National Government. However, this type of rational political nationalism is not what groups like "Vanguard America" advocate for.

Let me also say right here in the beginning of this article that I do not advocate for "Black Lives Matter", as that group has become racist and violent towards white people, which is just as bad. I do not support Antifa, which is full of criminals who hate free speech and use violence to stifle dissent. I do not support either side of this ridiculous left versus right paradigm. So don't come at me with BS about not criticizing BLM, Antifa or libtards for being violent, racist and moronic themselves as they are. However their bullshit does not justify the people on the opposing side politically to stoop down to that level and engage in the same racist criminal behavior. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Just understand it is cointelpro agents running BOTH sides. Getting Americans to fight against each other over everything that does not matter. Race, sex, religion, we are allowed to fight and protest anything but protesting against the Central Banking System. Stop fighting each other over statues that have no effect on your daily life, and unit together with all races against the banksters who enslaved ALL of us Financially.

Lastly, the Group Vanguard America that James Alex Fields Jr. was a part of was not "Pro Trump", if you read through the articles they wrote themselves they thought Trump was a "Jew World Order" Puppet essentially, so the left need to stop criticizing Trump for having the support of these people that are responsible for the Charlottesville car attack because he did not. Their own Vanguard articles state this quite clearly. Read it for yourself:

White Nationalism Is Racism

If you advocate that America is exclusively for white people, because you falsely believe that ONLY white people "built western civilization" then you are a racist and as ignorant as they come. White people did not build modern civilization on their own, and if you claim that then go back to history class before I school you. For one guns rule the world and gun powder was invented by the Chinese not "white people". If you think the "New World Order" is the "Jew World Order" then you are what allows the Zionists to call anti Zionism anti antisemitism. Not all Jews are Zionists, and the New World Order is run by Luciferians not "Jews". These Luciferians, pretend to be Jews but are not, and if you criticize them for what they are not, you are allowing them to censor all of us, because they lump people like me in who criticize Zionism with these moronic White Nationalists and then they get to call me "anti semite" because I criticize a political movement. This is why these shills like David Duke are who they go to for criticism of Israel, because Duke will make it all about racist anti Judaism nonsense, instead of keeping the argument about Zionism which is not equivalent to Judaism. The leaders of the Zionist movement are not even Jewish, they are Luciferian.

Just read the racist Vanguard America Manifesto:

“Our America is to be a nation exclusively for the White American peoples who out of the barren hills, empty plains, and vast mountains forged the most powerful nation to ever have existed; it is logical that America must be once again built from the ground up to recapture the glory an Aryan nation deserves.”

A nation exclusively for White People huh? So I guess my fiancee and my child, and my child on the way are not welcome here in America? I guess criticizing White Nationalism for being racist, which it is, is not allowed?

You know what I think, I would take two immigrants for every white person that thinks this way. You don't want to live in harmony with other people because their skin pigmentation is a different color? Then get the fuck out of America, go live on some fucking island and build a big ass wall around it so you can't get out and we can't get in.

“An economy that is self-contained, and free from the influence of international corporations, led by a rootless group of international Jews, which place profit beyond the interests of our people, or any people.”

This is from their Vanguard Manifesto as well. As you can see here, they are making the criticism of Central Banking and Zionism look like antisemitism by using the wrong verbiage. This then allows the powers that should not be to try and lump anyone who criticizes the Zionist control over the banking and entertainment industry look like a racist white nationalist. Then a member of their group drives a car into a crowd and he is labeled a "domestic terrorist", then the powers that should not be will label anyone who criticizes Zionism or Central Banking a domestic terrorist through guilt by ignorant association. If you can't see how this works I can't explain it any more clearly.

Vanguard America the Group James Alex Fields Jr. was in, was founded by a Pedophile Kevin Strom

So as you can see here, this Vanguard America Group was run by Kevin Strom who was their elected leader, his leadership did cause a splintering off from Vanguard, but obviously the group still exists as one of their members just supposedly drove through a crowd of people. (I will say the car crash does seem staged, a highly likely false flag, but that is another article and topic all together). When you look into Kevin Strom, he is a person who was arrested for Child Pornography and ONLY served 23 months in jail for that. Child Pornography, even the possession of it, is not a victim less crime as some child was abused to produce the content, and therefore in my opinion should come with a far more severe sentence than 23 months. However of course it is some completely sick and twisted pedophile that created this racist Vanguard Group, that DOES use Nazi Symbolism and Nazi style propaganda. I don't get why I am not allowed to point this out, when it is a fact?


The Illuminati control both sides of this fake left versus right paradigm. They control the left libtards, and get them to perform violent criminal actions that create the counter response. The counter response is then run by the Illuminati puppets and people easy to blackmail like Kevin Strom, who create these racist groups like Vanguard America to take all the right wing minded people who are pissed off to direct their anger into racism. Then the powers that should NOT be sit back and watch as both groups DE-legitimize themselves and fight each other over meaningless crap like statues. They have the group that criticizes the international order do so in a racist way, so that they can censor anyone who criticizes the international order. They make nationalism seem like racism to lump nationalists in with these fake white nationalist groups to remove our freedom of speech by association.

Expose this fake reality they are creating before they use this obvious divide and conquer agenda to take away all of our rights. The only response that has happened because of all this fighting in the streets is increased censorship, a larger New World order Police State, and diversion of criticism of Zionism to some racist ideology. We have to be smarter than this, we have to be willing to call out White Nationalism for what it is, we have already called out the BLM movement for being racist, and now this "AltRight" that pushes White Nationalism with leaders like Kevin Strom who are pedophiles, must be exposed as well. THEY ARE BOTH RACIST AND WRONG.

I will end this with this: There is only ONE RACE, The HUMAN RACE!

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