Charlottesville: The return of Fascism

I hate disclaimers, but let me just do this anyways so maybe people will actually read my piece. I do not associate with the alt right. I embrace the label (or any other vitriol fired my way) simply because it means I am being rejected by the collective far left, and for me that is a badge of honor. Now on to the recent actions in Charlottesville.

The actions of the driver in Charlottesville who drove into a mob of people are clearly wrong. However, they are NOT on par with a terrorist attack, though the MSM would have you believe they are somehow worse. They are in fact understandable, because they were heavily provoked. While others may be quick to condemn his actions, I will not. You can't corner an animal, and then fault it when it bites you. This is precisely what has happened.

The facts are simple, although every MSM article I read will only provide half of the story (the part that fits their agenda of course). The alt right were granted a legal sanction to rally and protest the sale of a commemorative statue of the confederate general Robert E. Lee and additionally provide a stepping stone for the Unite the Right movement. The plans were in the works for a while, and they were originally rejected by the city. But the federal courts overturned the decision because the judge ruled that the city's ruling was against the first amendment (the rejection was wrong because it decided based on the rally's content). Thus the rally was legal, but the city was still going to have their way. The police hindered rather than helped the rally, splitting the rally into small groups and doing nothing to prevent escalating violence by BLM and Antifa. There were violent actions by these two groups against many prominent alt right figures, and even Richard Spencer (whom I respect, though I don't often agree with), who was unable in the end to give his speech.

It was this continual oppression of the alt right by Charlottesville authorities (politicians & police), and by BLM and Antifa that caused this reactionary car attack. Make no mistake about it. I'm not absolving the man who made the choice to crash his car, anymore than I can absolve the animal that chooses to bite. But the blame is minimal at best. The real reason this happened is clear, and the blame should mainly be directed at 4 places:

  1. MSM -> liars, and murders, the lot of them. They not only need to be dissolved, but their CEO's need to be put on trial for treason to the people of the USA. Nothing short of this is proper justice. The sooner the propaganda machine is destroyed the better. I won't bother referencing them, just do a google search and look at the first I don't know, 25 links? They will all push the same narrative.
  2. Feminists, BLM & Antifa -> these groups are intent on violent ends. Their goals are nothing short of the extermination of the white race. Is it no wonder that the alt right is growing in response? These groups need to be properly called out as the hate groups they are. Don't believe me? Just look at some of these fantastic tweets {1}.
  3. State -> the state is out of control. The elite politicians are running the show, and they are completely decoupled from the people, or from any care what so ever what happens to the populaces they govern. We are cattle to them, nothing more, and we are being deliberately replaced through illegal immigration. In spite of the federal ruling indicating that the rally was legal, they deliberately failed to do their duty and provide the platform the alt right had asked for through proper channels. Even after they fully supported BLM and Antifa rallies in the near past.
  4. George Soros -> this is not conspiracy. He blatantly admits to funding hate groups like BLM. He has behaved in precisely this way many times in the past, deliberately causing civil unrest and financially benefiting from it. There is a reason countries like Hungary and Russia have banned him and his 'charities'. Do some research for yourself please, but I'll provide a quick link for you anyways {2}.

Put simply, this will cause civil war unless Trump can manage to find a way to quickly give the alt right back their platform. If he can't , then we stand on the precipice of an inevitable future filled with blood shed. I don't agree with the alt right, I certainly don't see any value in fascism, or identity politics, but unless Trump can do this, the time for words is clearly over. You cannot put an animal into a corner and demand that it play nice. You especially can't fault it when it bites you. The time has most certainly come to bite back.

If it comes to it, I'll stand with the alt right, because I have no other choice. I may not agree with many of their ideas, but it is the only place I have left to protect myself. If it is me or them, I choose me. This is on you Leftists, your authoritarian identity politics has forced the return of Fascism.

I'm tired of fighting against authoritarian christian religion in my youth, only to see it oppressed in the same manner now, and being forced to defend it. All the while Islam gets propped up like some perfect angel. There are genocidal atrocities going on against christians in South Africa that won't even get MSM coverage FOR FUCK SAKES.
I'm tired of defending homosexuals from REAL verbal and physical abuse in my youth, only to be called a homophobe now simply for calling out the 72 genders ideology as nonsense.
I'm tired of defending the rights of women in my youth when they had legitimate claims of injustice, only to see myself called the privileged mysandrist of a patriarchy now.
I'm tired of being blamed for being evil just because I'm a white male.
I'm tired, I'm really tired. While it pains me to say this, I'm ready to see the world burn.

Either we choose to fight on our feet, or we get exterminated on our knees in typical Russian Gulag style. I prefer to die standing on my feet.

To quote Aslan Faction's song title: Bring on the Dying.
[ Refs ]
{1} BLM anti white tweets:
{2} George Soros top 10:

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