Charlottesville car attack/violence teaches us valuable lesson on extremism like ANTIFA, BLM and White Supremacy.


I had an friend who used to use the old southern saying "Come to Jesus moment" And that is precisely what the Charlottesville Car attack/political violence is trying to get us "as a society to. Politics, Culture is in desperate need of its "Come to Jesus moment" That spiritual/emotional place one gets to in life when they realize what they have been doing just doesn't work. A moment of confronting ones self.


It is right time that Democrats and Republicans. Liberals and Conservatives. Left and Right disavow the extreme fringes of their ideologies and stop giving these groups a "free pass" politically. CALL THEM OUT!! If not we have now been given and example 'via Charlottesville' of how dangerous these groups can be. Despite this clear and present danger to our Republic not a single leader on the right or left has stood up and called out these extremists for what they are. Authoritarians/ anti American cults. These cults like a untreated disease have been allowed to fester and bubble to the surface of mainstream society. Reminiscent of something out of 1930's Germany or 1940's China.

How can decent Liberals or Conservatives allowed this destructive cancer to grow in our culture? It's time for leaders to speak out against the extreme's in their own parties. Condemn them! Or watch Communism and Fascism grown in the streets of America!

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