The Charlottesville PsyOp - Helter Skelter (What they are not telling you)

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welcome back to activist-news ladies and gentlemen, while the world is fixated on the mainstream medias big rhetoric push over the charlottesville rallies, there is actually real shit happening in the world. but it seems like the mainstream media want you to focus on the fact that Trump isnt condeming these people enough, or, that he is just perfect and its not him doing the bad things, its the deep state. What a load of shit honestly, Trump is balls deep in the Jewish swamp and its about time people stop making excuses for him. I cant tell you how many polarizing news articles i have come across that profess to show Trumps position in what is happening in charlottesville. And it is really nothing more than divisive left right bullshit. But, thats not what this video is about. I dont want to focus on who is right and who is wrong, i want to focus on how this is being used by the mainstream media and the intelligence agencies that have infiltrated these movements, to fullfill a political agenda. and another big thing YouTubers are jmping on the bandwagon of, is calling this whole entire thing a false flag. i mean, sure, the very essence of everything thats happening in charlottsville is very much controlled, but, you try telling that to the protesters on the ground. Whether or not the car hitting those protesters was fake or not, i dont know. and for the most part it changes nothing at all, because they still get their result. more security, less freedom.


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