Marketing is a concept or action designed to bring people into something ~ Charles Fuchs.


As a member of the the Steem community, it's our job to get the message out to the world. Marketing is one of the most important aspect of making it grow... without it, no one will know about it and eventually die a slow death. 😳

If you guys have been following me for a while, you may know that I love promoting the Steem blockchain to my followers on Social Media. 💁🏼‍♂️

It seems to me that there are lots of people here on Steemit that don't do that and it makes me wonder why? 🤷🏼‍♂️

There are so many people saying they are leaving Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Snapchat for Steemit, this doesn't make sense to me. 

There are Billions of people on those platforms currently, why not leverage your followings into something great like Steemit or D.Tube.

I've been promoting my ass off 🤣 the last 6 months about Steemit and brought in hundreds or even thousands of people to this platform just talking about it on other Social Media sites since I joined.

What this does, it creates momentum and everyone starts talking about it... Just check out what happen to Cardano, Verge, and Tron just to name a few. How the heck did they all climb to the top 20 of Crypto's of all time in like one month!! They don't even have a working product!

They were pumped massively on Youtuber by influencers. Then something else happened, every damn comment area of all the Crypto Channels, people were shouting out hundreds of messages to talk about Cardano, Verge, and Tron... I still see it this day, it's pretty crazy. 

For example, did you see the massive "Crypto" pumps John Mcafee did on his twitter account last month. He practically single handly pumped up a company named Verge to the top 20 on Coinmarketcap single handily. 

There is nothing special about the Verge company and just within a few weeks, it was comparable to Dash and Monero who's been around for years! 😳

I don't want to beat a dead horse over and over again but if we want mass adoption and become this so called great "Social Media" platform, we as a community must start getting the message out. I can't do it alone but if just thousands of us start doing that, Steem is going to be talked about everywhere.

... and another note, when you start marketing Steem and they decided to join... guess what happens? They will look up to you and become your greatest fans... which means, tons of upvotes. 🤑

Alright guys, I'm done. I've been writing longs posts lately and I know time is short for all of us and I do appreciate you guys for taking the time to stop by reading some of my ideas and opinions.  

The markets are so RED today that I almost didn't even want to do a post because I was looking for some great deals to Stack up on. 😬

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs

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