Anyone can have "Massive Success", the only person who's holding you back is "The Man In The Mirror" ~ Charles Fuchs.


It's one of those late night posts by your boy @stackin again 😴... and what I failed to realized when I first started Steemit that this is a world wide platform that never sleeps, it's probably day light right now where your from ☀️.

Anyways, while surfing through some "Cryptocurrencies" video's... (learning about all the new technology and all the new ICO's that are coming out), I came to realize that some people are just way more motivated than others. 🤷🏼‍♂️

For all those people who have been following me for a while, you probably already know that I like to "bust out" tons of motivational posts on occasion.

So why are more people motivated than others?

This is important issue in today's society. Most people will say like motivation and some people will call it just "Bullshit" (I do agree with this in a way). 😳

There are certain factors that can explain why some people are more motivated than others. People who have a purpose, goals and a "why", tend to be much more motivated than people who are without. The most important thing they need to do is just take "action". 👨🏼‍💻

If you try to motivate anyone, it doesn't matter at the end of they day. People will just keep watching others taking "action" while becoming a "Spectator" instead. Psychologically, when people watch others being successful, they feel like they accomplish and did the same thing. I'm not saying don't let others motivate you but take that extra step and take action.

Another thing, start surrounding yourself with people that that motivate you. These types of people have this type of "Energy" and "Influence" that will get you into "Action". 

If you have been reading my blogs, my whole office is filled with things that motivate me so that every time I'm there, it makes me take action. 

You see, Motivation can only take you so far and can only lasts a few hours or just a few minutes... you have to keep reminding yourself to get motivated every single minute of the day.

I currently have over 100+ @grantcardone 10X Motivational Quotes Books all over my office (some call me crazy but thats ok, its better than being average 🤣). These quotes pump me up every morning and gets me motivated, you can check it out here:

Just a few things that's on my mind tonight. So guys, start surrounding yourself with the things and people that motivated you. 👫 👬 👭

Start letting go of all the other things that don't... It's going to be hard at first but believe me, you will become much happier and have a more productive life.

I plan to give some of these 10x Quotes Book out to some of my follows, hmmm i'll set up a good contest starting next week. If you missed the EOS Contest that is currently going on to win 5 Steem for you and a friend, you can visit the last post on by blog (only a few hours left). 🤑 

So who or what is currently motivating you everyday? Are you taking the necessary action to accomplish your goals with this motivation you receive? Looking forward to everyone's comments. 📝

Have an awesome week guys and Keep On STACKIN! 💞

For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs

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