“The single biggest financial mistake I’ve made was not thinking big enough". – Grant Cardone.

What up STACKERS! 

As many of you already know, I've been very optimistic about the price of Steem since I joined in May 2017! You have probably seen me make tons of "predictions" throughout my time here. 🔮

Just six months ago, there were several Steemit influencers like myself saying $10 Steem was easily possible at the end of the year and guess what, that almost happened! 🙋🏼‍♂️

So why can't Steem Reach $100 by 2020?

Here are my thoughts, the cryptocurrency market is currently valued at around 700 Billion Dollars and I can see the whole market be worth "Trillions of Dollars" in a couple of years. 💰

The crazy evaluations many of these crypto's currently have is just plain insane with no "use" case at all yet but Steem already has a "use" case. 👩🏼‍💻

Less than 1% of the population have some kind of crypto in their possession. So what does this mean? So much money will be coming into Crypto in the next couple of years.

From now on, there will so much more mass adoption and influx of "Institutional Money" coming into the markets in 2018 and beyond! 💸

Many people laughed at us saying that Steem can reach $10 in 2107 and now many are saying that it's an easy number to reach. 

The current valuation of Steem is around $1.7 Billion Dollars at a price of $7 . So why can't Steem be valued at 20 Billion in a few years? This number can easily be attainable. 🤩

So do you think Steem can be a $100 Cryptocurrency within a few years or sooner? In my opinion and what I see that's coming into the markets, YES IT CAN! 

Don't get me wrong, there will be corrections along the way but all I can say is this... HODL as much of "Steem" that you can from now on. 🤲🏼

The future looks bright and all us "early adapters" of Steemit are going to benefit big time down the road.

Just remember, I'm no financial advisor and don't care to be one (their usually broke themselves anyways lol) but in my opinion, Steem will be a great investment in the future. 😬

P.S. I wouldn't be surprised to see some you all having "Steem" lambo's driving down the road later this year 🤣🏎️

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

P.S. For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs

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