Volunteer in Charity work make this world a better place to live.

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On September 17 this day is an important day for our young people and we are going to Kuala Kubu
Bharu, KKB) Indigenous villages participate in mission activities. Although arranged and rehearsed in advance, but we will inevitably being excited.

On that day, early in the morning we set out to start with the KKB team in the church . Due to the large number of us, we dispatched two Gospel car and a private car. The road to the destination meanders rugged but beautifully landscaped. We dined in the halfway town, With an excited mood to the Aboriginal tribes. The place is located on a hill, next to a magnificent dam. According to it Solution, the original they had lived below the dam, and later moved to now because of a flood at the place. Most of their families

There is no means of transport there exept motorcycles, living standards quite left behind. one and a half hours away from the Kuala Lumpur . But there is a beautiful and cool environment, is a good place for retirement.

Brother TamSeng, who has many years in this ministry tell us about the ministry and what to do and what should not be done
. Afterwards, we started to clean up the meeting place. Although the facilities were shabby, they still did not hinder our young teenagers from getting enthusiasm in this ministry.
Some children are waiting for us there, knowing from their shy faces that they are not good at getting in touch with urbanites. Their self-confidence is low and they are quite shy. However, they all came together with expectation.
The party started with games ledding by Wen Kai. A simple game made us mix with Aboriginal children.Before game over there were five children who were punished for losing the game, but all of us completed the dance and joy together with them.Wen Chess 发来的照片.jpg
.Later, we entered the assembly together to praise the God. Children are also very committed .When they sing their more familiar songs, they praise loudly . We are join hand with each other, Worship praising God with His presence!

We encounter a little bit of difficulty in sharing the Bible story because we seldom say Bible stories in Malay. We have mistakes, stuttering and so on. But to see the enthusiasm of Aboriginal children to learn, listen attentively, we also worked hard to finish the story, and even try various ways to demonstrate so that they understand better. Brother Sam said Malay was a challenge to him, but he believed in God will help him. We asked questions to them from the story, when they answer us,we reward them with candy.

When we leave, we also say goodbye to Aboriginal children. Meishan is taking pictures with them. Xi Wen very happy to meet many lively children. This trip to the KKB Neo-Furlan Aboriginal village has benefited a lot to us and made us young people understand the mission of being a Christian missionary and evangelist, reflecting the church's missionary concept of "a church without walls."

At this point, I also did not forget to thank Mei Shan for planning and arranging for us to accomplish the mission of our young teenagers. I also thank KKB Group ,The team gives us a chance to work together.

9月17日这一天,可说是我们劲青少年重要的一天,我们要到新古毛(Kuala Kubu



声此起彼落非常热闹。Wen Chess 发来的照片5.jpg




This was written by me in the church magazine last years. Our church has been in this ministry for 6 years. Our church will be there every 2 weeks to engage with them. We really have fun engaging with the native(orang asli) in Malaysia. They really appreciate things that we provide to them .Even a package of snack can make them really happy. This scenario seldom appears in urban kids. We also taught basic English to increase competitiveness in the job market as well as increase their overall confidence and communication skill with foreigners. Some art and craft were being taught to the women to generate income for their family and community.
Volunteering in charity work will make the world a better place to live.This is what I always believe in.
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