The Charity Donation Challenge - Day 1 (

So, the lovely Mr. @trumpman has hijacked my social wiring and has signed me up to a donation challenge, effectively forcing me into taking part otherwise I would look like even more of an A*hole. See? I even have to self-censor now. Freedom? ;)

Ok, so giving to charity is something I don't mind doing under certain provisions and it is an area that I think Steemit will have a massive social impact on as it can essentially streamline payments directly to where it is required with zero cost. Most of those 'administration' fees can be removed. For reference, to donate 25 dollars US it cost me 25€ which is 30 dollars US.

Today (I am not going to do these in a row btw), I donated to a charity I have been supporting for quite a few years already, What they do is give money more directly to the people who need it in the form of micro loans that once paid off, can be rolled back into another loan. I like the idea and i hope it really does support people and help them provide for themselves.

Today I chose Thảo Anh, a mother with two children in Vietnam who plans on using $900 to install a clean water system. You can read about it here and donate if you choose.

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I don't think many people who come from well-off areas realize just how hard life can be on some people and are unable to fully comprehend the depth of struggle many face. My father grew up during the Second World War in Malaysia and even though I didn't have to live that way in Australia, his stories had an effect on me. It is because of him I am unlikely to ever stop pushing for a reduction of extremes in inequalities and a more peaceful and valuable world for all.

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Above is the confirmation of the loan today as proof because you know, humanity just can't be trusted. $25 dollars isn't a great deal in this world but it can have significant impacts on someone's life. That is something to remember for all of those already highly rewarded accounts ordering bidbots for just a little bit more. Someone else in this world could likely do a lot more of human value with it. Another day though.

I am not going to nominate anyone however I do hope that people will consider being a little more charitable, especially if they can do so at a local level and help someone directly. Even if you don't have the money to give, help someone move their furniture or an old lady carry her groceries. The world could do with a little more giving.

[ a Steemit original ]

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