We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. Winston s. Churchill

If you recall I did a post 3 days ago on our pre-visit to the transit camp to remind them of our coming come 14 febuary 2018. Well, we did as promised and am home now but the memory of the loving moment shared with those children still remains fresh in my mind.
It is something I (we) would love to do over and over again. Not just to the children in the transit camp this the but to any and every child in my sphere of contact. Every child is actually your child and deserves your love and attention.


Some of us are not here to make a living but to shine bright in love, kindness and benevolence that through our good work others may have a reason to smile and live life again. Nwisabari samuel

Our interaction with these children made me realize that;

If you were not born with a silver spoon you can actually make or buy one for yourself.

One of the children by the name Ekemini was known to be very bright and maintain the top of his class in school. He is just 13 years old. I then realized that sometimes its actually not what happens to you that matters but your mindset and response to such circumstance is what counts or matters the most.

For the records, some of us from a well to do family were not close to 6th position back the in primary or secondary school.

We were warmly welcomed and we sure had a splendid moment of fun and more with them.
For instance it was actually the birthday month of one of the children and so we had to cut the steemit uyo cares decorated cake with them.
It was amazing to find there was a pair of twin (victory and precious) amongst themIMG-20180214-WA0078.jpg

and incidentally we (steemit uyo) also had our own twin there too @enoye and @emem. IMG_20180214_151501.jpg

When we were through after playing and eating with them, bidding goodbye was a kinda hard as we had already bonded with bond beyond words.



A big thanks to steemit uyo member who made their selfless donation as support for this occasion. Thanks to the admins for all your effort (all the night we spent planning for this was not in vain) it was a huge memorable success indeed. A million thank to @stach @destinysaid @ejemai @onequality @pangoli @enolife @lizzieharison and more for your thus far. It would not have been this easy without you. God bless you all.

The challenge of the orphan is not just about their needs; we are equally meeting our own need. it is in your interest to help the poor

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