Let's go viral: Give your heart away for X-Mas

SOOOOO... I have thought at length what to do for the Advent time on Steemit. Making another calendar would have been lame somehow, so I took a step back and thought about what was the initial meaning of this time.

Advent is a time to slow down, to think about the meaning of life and of SELF purpose.

By chance I heard a podcast about the difficulty in our local university hospital. One of the doctors that were interviewed said with some desolation that despite the enormous progress in techniques and knowledge it is less probable to be saved if you need a surrogate organ than about 20 years ago. The main reason for that (at least in Germany) is that only a few people filled out the form for organ donation.
Alone in Würzburg, where I live, there are waiting 25 people for a new heart. 22 probably won't make it, because a lack of donor hearts.
Not even speaking about lungs, kidneys and other stuff...

It seems in the US almost 1 in 2 have such an organ donor card, in Germany only 1 in 4 has filled out the form. Interestingly no matter where you ask: more than 80 % think positively about being an organ donor.

Conclusion: Most are simply too lazy to fill out a form.

So I started with myself. I checked where to get a donor card, filled it out and put it in my wallet. Simple... 3 min of my time.

RESULT: more purpose for myself, even after my death.

I can tell you... somehow this feels really good!
girl-2934257_1920.jpggive your heart away, if you don't need it anymore

Now it's your turn.

Find out where and how you can fill out a form in your country, DO IT and post a pic (with your steemit name and a date) below in the comments. (If you already are, you can do the same, to show you are in already), no need of selfdoxxing ;-)

I will give away 100% of the rewards of this post. Everyone participating will get his share of the liquid rewards. The rest will be donated here: https://www.organspende-info.de/
OFC you can also decline your share (just mention it in your submission) , your part will then also be donated.
(e.g. 10 participants 50$ rewards, everyone gets 2,50 and 25 will donated to the organ donor institute from my fiat money... not taken out of the steem economy)

This is the link to the german form. It will be generated immediately as pdf.

This is the link to the US form. I didn't check it out, try for yourself

How to help further:

  • Feel free to share more links of other countries forms, I will edit them into this post!
  • share this to your social media : resteem, retwitter, share on FB

Now show the world that steemians have a ton of good hearts!




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