The FairCosa Foundation - Recidivism Rates in the US - What is the Solution

The FairCosa Foundation


To provide unique opportunities to individuals
from historically underprivileged communities
to aid in improving quality of life through
education, training, and community development.

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Recidivism rates in the US are unquestionably high. According to some reports, the number is upwards of 60% of offenders. This post aims to explore the numbers in the US, identify obstacles to success, and highlight effective programs which reduce those numbers.

What is Recidivism?

While the definition varies from country to country, in the US it is best explained as the percent of individuals who are re-incarcerated within 3 years of their release. So if the recidivism rate were 60% (as some reports state) than 60 of every 100 released inmates would be incarcerated again within 3 years of their release. This percent can be further broken down into rates by the year - according to the graphic above, from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections, the rate of recidivism in the first year post-release ranges from 9% to 15%.

Graphic courtesy of

What Causes Recidivism?

Examining the chart above highlights interesting data - more people are returned to prison due to technical violations than are returned for committing new crimes. Technical violations refer to breaches of the terms of their release. Some of these offenses can include not finding (or keeping) employment, missing a court date, or failing to find suitable housing. These 3 causes - housing, transportation, and employment - are the main obstacles to success for people recently released from prison.

Side note: PRC = Post-Release Control EST = End of Stated Term EOS = End of Sentence Inmates released as a result of EST or EOS have no terms to violate as they are not under the supervision of the courts.

What Breaks the Cycle?

Many states and organizations are making efforts to reduce the recidivism rate in the US. Check out this article for specifics on a few of these programs. Each program has one thing in common: they provide support in the areas of education and employment.

The FairCosa Foundation plans to offer similar support. We are working with the ODRC and local re-entry courts to provide in-prison education programs in the field of transportation. Upon an inmate's release, we will provide housing and a paid internship for a full year. During this time, program participants will become experts in the transportation industry, learning multiple aspects such as brokering, dispatching, sales, and service. After successful completion of the program, individuals will have the option to work with a national brokerage through partnerships with The Foundation.

What Does Success Look Like?

What do you know about the recidivism rate in your country? Steemit is truly a global platform - please share your ideas and observations in the comments below. There are many models to ensure success. We'd love to hear your thoughts.

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