The FairCosa Foundation - Introducing the Board - Jennifer Peterson

The foundation of any organization is its board of directors. These people are the heart and soul of an entity - their passion and commitment leads the way and directs the future. Today, let's meet the Treasurer of the FairCosa Foundation, Jennifer Peterson.

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To provide unique opportunities to individuals
from historically underprivileged communities
to aid in improving quality of life through
education, training, and community development.

Jennifer is originally from sunny southern California, but having a father who was in the military instilled in her a love of travel from an early age. She spent almost a decade hitchhiking across the USA, supporting free kitchens and occasionally assisting in disaster relief. When she was finally ready for a break, she went to college and earned a BS in English with Teacher Licensure.

During her time on the road, she had first-hand experience with homelessness and learned how difficult it can be to regain one's footing in society. Working as a 9th grade English teacher in an urban setting, she had experience with the struggles of everyday people dealing with the incarceration of a family member. These experiences motivate her to work toward the goals of The FairCosa Foundation - providing a hand up, not a hand out.

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We all deserve a future - help us clear the way.

The FairCosa Foundation

On Facebook @faircosafoundation

Photos provided by Jennifer Peterson

Many thanks to @jaynie for lending her design skills to The FairCosa Foundation logo
and to the #powerhousecreatives for their awesome
community support


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