Fuck Cancer #CharityPost


Today, exactly 5 Years ago - May 6th, 2013 - I was sitting in Berlin with some very nice people. I was attending the "re:publica", an online conference I was visiting every year. It was around 6 pm, the workshops and talks where over, we had some drinks in the sun, sitting in a circle, joking around. Great times as always.

My Phone was ringing. My Brother. I picked up and I emidiatly realised that something happened. He was calm and s, aid "I am sorry. Our Father died." I can remember the seconds exactly. I will never forget it. I had a Glasbottle of Radler in my Hands. I droped it. I stand up and walked away.


Rewind: January 2016

My Dad retired. After 45 Years of Working, 33 Years in the same Company he finaly retired. He was 62 Years old, he was happy to have more time. My first Daughter was 1 Year old, his first grandchild. He was proud.

At the End of March, he visited me and my wife. He was not as happy as we know him in the last weeks. He told us he was at the doctor, they found something, it looks like cancer. Pancreatic cancer. The most aggressive kind of cancer. He was crying.

The next weeks everything went so fast. The doctors tried every kind of therapy. Nothing helped.

6 Weeks later he was dead. His Body transformed extremly. He lost around 35kg.

I lost my Dad. My Children lost their Grandfather.

Fuck cancer.

In the same year my father in law got lung cancer. He died 3 Years later. Also in the age of 62.

I will donate the payout (after 7 days) of this post to the austrian cancer fund

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