Character a Day Challenge - Mask


I've started a new project based on some ideas rattling around in my brain, basically to use the onsite wardrobe function of Subeta to create new characters and worlds to help relieve some of the creativity that's been building up in my head and encourage my own creativity as well :)

Kris (mask).png

Prompt Word: Mask

Name: Kris
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown

Race: Wood Elf
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 164 pounds

Languages: Common, Elvish
Birth Date: Unknown
Birth Place: Unknown

Sexuality: Pansexual
Romantic: Aromantic

Family: Unknown

History: Virtually nothing is known about Kris save that they run one of the largest pirate groups in the world from a stronghold just outside the port town of Venango in an underwater base. While the name and description have been around for hundred of years given the lifespan of elves it would not be impossible for it to be the same one, though many think it's a situation of as one grows old they take an apprentice and train them to be the next and that is also a high possibility.

Either way, they rule with a strange sense of balance. Crews that do well and bring glory to the group are rewarded, those that fail are punished and those that fail repeatedly are killed. If captured any crew knows no one will come for them, they have to face the punishment for getting caught and if anyone tries to save them they'll face death themselves as Kris will stop at nothing to have them tracked down and killed.

Kris is respected for many reasons, but whatever those reasons are as long as they do their jobs Kris doesn't care. They also don't lead from behind a desk or a throne, but rather by example. They have and captain their own ship that regularly goes out for various purposes, and they put themselves in just as much danger as anyone who works for them to show that it can be done if one has the skill to make it so.

One reason so many join up is that Kris does not discriminate. Species, gender and age have no bearing on being allowed to join. Only a willingness to follow Kris and the orders from whatever captain, the want to do the job, and the skills (or willingness to learn skills) to get the job done. If someone has not earned it through failure Kris doesn't tolerate punishments, and sexual assault of any kind is strictly prohibited for any reason at all so those that find themselves using their position to abuse others for no reason quickly find themselves strung up and made an example of.

It's a delicate balance, but Kris manages it pretty well and with how it's worked out over the past few hundred years there's a sure bet they will be around for a few hundred more unless their luck turns extremely sour for some reason.

Banner was made by me in Photoshop, character reference image was made using Subeta's onsite wardrobe function.

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