Character a Day Challenge - Cat


I've started a new project based on some ideas rattling around in my brain, basically to use the onsite wardrobe function of Subeta to create new characters and worlds to help relieve some of the creativity that's been building up in my head and encourage my own creativity as well :)

Luke (cat).png

Prompt Word: Cat

Name: Luke
Age: 8 years
Gender: Male

Race: Cat Familiar
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 126 pounds

Languages: Common
Birth Date: May 7th, 2160
Birth Place: Delevan

Sexuality: Pansexual
Romantic: Aromantic

Family: Biological family unknown, no other family to speak of.

History: Familiars are a special breed, able to change between an animal form and a more human one. While their human form maintains some aspects of their animal counterpart (usually ears, a tail, and from time to time facial features like eyes similar to their animal form), they can pass off as human for the most part if they need to. They rarely know their biological families, often separated from them as soon as their animal form can take care of itself then raised together.

These creatures then wait to be chosen by a magic-user to help with their craft. Some wait an entire lifetime and are never chosen, for the bond that is felt between a magic-user and a familiar is one that is formed at birth and some just were not meant to find their partner in their current lives.

Luke is one such familiar. Though his lifespan will be more like that of a human than the cat he can become, 8 years is still a long time to wait for the right magic-user to find him. He's all but given up on it, choosing instead to spend most of his days in the form of a black cat with large green eyes as opposed to his more human form. This allows him to move faster, explore more areas, and require less in order to survive. When a new magic-user shows up to the communal home looking for a familiar he answers the call and returns just in case, but only because that is required of him to do so and not because he hopes this one might be his.

It's a bitter way to live, but it's all he can muster anymore. If the right magic-user comes along and become his then that tune might change, but in the meantime Luke is pretty well resigned to life as it is.

Banner was made by me in Photoshop, character reference image was made using Subeta's onsite wardrobe function.

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