Change is GOOD!

Change...there is a lot of change, change is everywhere and everyone should be used to it because every second something changes to you, however minute it is it is a change. Change is happening on a grand scale especially within the country I’m currently living in, the UK. We have change happening with our government, one that will either way impact the youth in the years to come and that is yet to still be resolved. We have change on a global level, ‘powerful’ decisions being made every day that we have no say over, some may impact us directly others not.


How are we meant to deal with change? I’m still learning that, and there is a lot to the idea of change especially when you take a step back and realise that change is ever occurring and you may have to become objective as to what control if any you might have over the change maybe. However sometimes change does need to be challenged, and I’m sure there are many times in your life where you may have opposed change, be it the idea of a new diet, a change of job etc.

On dealing with change I’ve realised it’s best to keep an open objective mind, one where you can evaluate the true FACTS of the situation without being emotional at first and seeing it just from your perspective. Perspective is largely dependent on the accomplishment of change, that could be someone else’s viewpoint opposing yours but they may have valid and worthwhile points that accompanies yours to some degree. Perspective on whether going to the gym and eating healthy will make you feel good… most likely it will let’s be honest, but it's having that vision of yourself doing that and working towards that change. Guess what though I'm certainly no saint when I say that as I know there are many things in my life that I need to change... makes it quite nice putting it in writing to make myself even more aware of this...

However what happens when change just comes all that too rapidly like a sudden blackout in an office without everyone saving their work, pretty inconvenient and out of your control. Change if it’s dependently personal should come at your own speed, it should be understood. Understood in how it could benefit your being as well as potentially and hopefully not becoming a disadvantage to it. I think change could also be approached in way that you feel as comfortable as possible because either way you will feel a sudden impact and to help that could be preparing for the potential change.


Change that involves other externalities in play may not always be dictated by yourself I've come to understand and still question in terms of whether it’s rushed or not and this can make people uneasy especially if those facing the change haven't had time to learn of the news of the change and digest and further understand it. I’m learning that change that is out of my control should be questioned, questions that will demand a response to allow further knowledge on the situation, this can help put your mind at ease as the more information you know the more understanding you have.

Change I've come to realise personally really does come easier with the understanding of it. For example my brother and I in recent weeks have been learning about suffering and grief from the Dalai Lama and other sources. Everyone suffers in life, there is no one that won’t but you can learn about suffering, about grief and pretty much about everything to better prepare you for a situation, to become accustomed to it, it won’t make the immediate impact any less hurtful or damaging but in learning to understand it and cope puts you in a better place as you have the tools to understand the situation instead of fall blindly into it.

I hope that with doing this you’re allowing vulnerability to be a possibility for human connection and we still live in a world unfortunately where it’s more often than not hidden away due to lack of trust or worry of being hurt. These vulnerabilities can be what brings us together also though through these human elements, showing and sharing deeper emotions with another being, another homo sapien, another ‘wise-man’. With these vulnerabilities on show so to say, I believe and hope myself that it will open up the potential for connections with others, they understand you or at least you’d hope that they have a level or compassion and empathy to do so.


I have and will have to deal with more change in recent months from moving out of my first rented property where I finally learnt freedom in paying your way through life, a feeling which slightly gave me a good feeling of self-worth, to then flying away to Kazakhstan, to then cycle to China and eventually spend 12 months minimum living in Australia.


These are just the headlines of the change but then I need to consider changes within the outlining change itself such as camping and not changing my clothes consecutively, being in a foreign country and understanding etiquette, finding jobs and places to live in Australia, dealing with the heat, emotionally handling being away from everyone I know and love. It’s a lot to consider especially as it's a huge change to my current circumstance. The more knowledge I gain the more ease I have in understanding and adapting to these complete alternative ways of living, it’s not so much to have a plan but to at least acquire the knowledge.

One thing that I am personally still trying very hard with is to change my perspective, in recent months, or more accurately since being back in the UK I have struggled a lot more mentally, I’ve had a 9-5 job (the last thing I wanted) and I’ve been disconnected from others and myself. The perspective I’ve been working on is that it’s all for a purpose but I can’t see that my sadness now is determined by the evolution of a better place which would make me happy, jumping from one situation to the next, the whole journey of life should be lived with as much happiness as possible but not being naive to moments which can make you sad as they build you as I character I like to think. However I heavily believe sadness, grief, suffering and other unfortunate so to say eventualities are needed in life, it may help you reflect on your current place in the universe, the piece of land you occupy, the air breath and the words you say.

I'm now finding and still learning myself that the change soon approaching myself is best approached with a positive and optimistic mindset, I can only hope and ask the universe for a great journey, one that will build me up as a character, one that will offer me new perspectives of life. I'm hoping to find even more connections, to help with my learning because it's one amazing opportunity for myself to learn and grow, something that should never stop.

Tommy 🌄

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