Getting on in 2018...

Its towards the end of January and I don't know about you but my 2018 did not start dull. I lost old friends dramatically and new ones came by just as boisterously. I wasn't ready nor experienced for the kind of drama that I had to face but I did and I came out stronger than ever before.
The start of 2018 broke away the shackles holding me down and washed away the daggers dipped in honey. My eyes are now open, forever ready for battle. Never have I been more aware of the unfolding of events and their true purpose. I didn't at first, but now that I'm through the storm, I see that it was actually me who caused it. Sometime ago, it was I who had spent her days and nights praying for this very storm to occur that would fly me away to where I am now.
And no, it wasn't because the place I was in was bad, it was me. I had outgrown that small container and needed a bigger place to breathe in.
In what little time that I have spent in this world, I have finally realized that change doesn't come silently. It is a loud, slow and painful process that requires you to give it your all otherwise you will be left with nothing. Too big for the container holding you and too scared to jump out of it looking for a new one.
Life is a challenge that only the brave can take on, the weak will complain and comment while the strong will be out in the battle fields facing their troubles head on.
If a place makes you feel like you are holding back, not being heard or if it makes you feel small, LEAVE. You are in the wrong container. Go out there and find yours, it is somewhere by the shore waiting to be found by its rightful owner.


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