A Ripple is all you need to change the world.

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples".- Mother Theresa.

Changing the world isn't hard and it shouldn't be a matter of rocket sciences. We cannot fully have it all to make impact, we just have to start from where we are to effect some change and hope to God we make some impacts.
I have often heard too many people talk about making others happy "if they have enough." having enough is supposed to be a good thing but not for humans.
The more we have, the more we seek to covet; and as we constantly seek to convert, we get to the ends of the world where we never get enough. We seek more than is need. Enough is never enough in the human dictionary.

I Feel Blessed!

I really love and adore that lady who gave up everything to make countless others experience a better live. She didn't wait to have it all before giving, and you shouldn't too.

One person cannot change the world all by themselves, they need to be part of a group of individuals who will cast just a stone and watch the ripple move through the water.
Funny enough, we see that one stone as not being enough, but do not forget that, that stone can become the beginning of a building that will accommodate millions of people for as long as the sun shines.

Just pick up your stone, cast it and watch the ripple go far and wide!

Make the world a better place for someone today!


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