Liverpool OR Real Madrid ? Who you got ? Champions league final's :)

So at-last we have the last two contender's for this season's champions league .
Real Madrid , who knocked out Bayern munich in semi's
And Liverpool , who knocked out Roma in semi's .
Well this both the team is in their form , Its gonna be a hard for both of them to win the title.

What you guys think who's gonna win the champions league.
If Real win's , it will be there 3rd consecutive championship win , and If liverpool win's Its gonna be a really proud moment for them as they will be winning it after a real long wait.

The final's will be played on 27/05 , 12:15 am as of IST .
I'll be supporting Liverpool for this final's , whom you guys got please write down below in comment :) and why you think your team will win. Will really appreciate your comments :).

Over and out , have a great day guys .

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