Metaphysics & Marijuana : Are Soul Mates Real? (Quantum Entanglement explains "Twin Flames")


Metaphysics & Marijuana (science & spirituality) will be an on going blog discussion for the open minded on topics suchs as : Life, Theology, Metaphysics, Psychedelic Medicine, Love, & Science. This blog is for the open and spiritually minded so please do not judge the concepts, but read them with an open mind. This is kind of shit i think about when I'm in my zone, tokin my bowl so i think this blog will be most enjoyable if read under the influence of marijuana. Enjoy.

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True Love....its a concept that has been portrayed in movies, books and something we have heard people talk about throughout our entire lives, but is true love actually real? Quantum Entanglement says that is could be.

The concept of true love has always intrigued me, as a child i would watch these movies and feel like true love was possible out there somewhere (thanks Walt Disney).

First let's define what "True Love" is..some would define it as love at first sight, knowing that you are meant to be with a certain person. Simply put, true love or "soul mates" is a feeling of higher purpose and connection with another person in a romantic way. So much so that it makes you feel like that person is "the only one for you".

What Are Soul Mates?

The concept of having a soul mate dates back a very long time, all the way to ancient Egyptian/Greek period of time. The Egyptians first posited that humans originated in one body, but we're split into two parts for offending their "gods". The two souls will then have to wander the earth forever in search for one another so they can become one whole again.

Greek mythology states that the original human form was a 2 headed, 4 armed, 4 legged being. Zeus became afraid of the power of this form and split the human into 2 parts, thus putting humans into a life of forever searching for that missing piece of themselves.

New age theory has another idea of soul mates altogether though. In the new age community soul mates are merely people who you have connections with throughout different lifetimes. A soul mate is not another part of your soul, but it someone who you have a deep connection with,. It could be a friend, family member, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. If you identify someone as being your "best friend" this is probably someone who belongs to your soul group.

“The intense yearning which lovers have toward each other does not appear to be the desire for sexual intercourse, but for something else which the soul of each desires and cannot tell, and of which he or she has only a dark and doubtful presentiment.” - Plato

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What Does this have to do with Quantum Entanglement?

What is Quantum Entanglement?

Earlier this week i made a post about the Chinese launched the worlds first quantum satellite into space last year, and just a few days ago they sent the worlds first "quantum message" by using the theory of quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement posits that if two photons or particles of energy are split and placed in different locations, one particle of energy will react to the other if it is being stimulated. Thats right! one particle being stimulated affects the other, even over long distances, even over light years....Quantum entanglement literally has the potential to transcend space and time. But here is the kicker...if one of the particles is spun clockwise, the other particle no matter how far away will begin to spin counterclockwise! What does this prove? well it proves that two particles of energy can correlate completely together, but still be polar a man and a woman.

What are Twin Flames?

There is a new theory on life and love that is becoming more popular in the new age community, "Twin Flames". "Twin flames" are defined as being two halves of the same soul. Before incarnation the one whole soul is split into two polar opposites a male and a female. Twin souls as they are commonly referred to also do not have to incarnate at here at the same time, but throughout life they will always share similar traits, values, morality, appearance and other characteristics that are twin-like. Think of twin souls in the way you would real human twins except that the split of the "egg" happened on a energetic level.

My Theory

You may able to tell where i am going with this by now and why i think quantum entanglement can possibly prove the theory twin flames to be true. In this day and age we are making advancements scientifically that are also tying into metaphysical and spiritual belief systems.

If all we are is energy on the inside of our bodies, and energy as science says "can neither be created nor destroyed" it must mean our energy had to always exist, even before being born. Somewhere in the cosmos our energy was floating around and decided to incarnate itself in human form. Obviously i don't know how twin flames happens or what causes a split of this energy on a quantum level...but my theory is that a choice is made by the energy to experience human life in its entirety as male and female. True polar opposites..existing in the same time line, but not necessarily in the same time.

When the two souls do incarnate during the same lifetime it is up to them to come together in a union to ascend to the next level of experience. The human experience is only one form of life experience, and there is much more for us to see and learn. But we continue to come back into human form, learning our lessons and karmic lessons in order for us to graduate to the next level. For twin flames in their last lifetime in human form they both have to come together after experiencing and learning life separately, to finally learn life together and ultimately ascend to the higher realms of existence.

I know, this shit sounds like something from out of the movies..didn't i mention movies earlier in this post? :D

Life is just one gigantic learning experience that we continually learn from throughout different lifetimes. When the twins are in their last lifetime together, they will come together with all they have learned through generations of time. And they will be able to take all of knowledge and make it one, and together they both will ascend to the next level of of energy and existence.

I know all of this might sound spooky to some of you, or even just plain ol' unbelievable. We all have our own perspectives on life and how things work, and whatever perspective we choose for ourselves is something that we can feel comfortable with believing in. I am a guy who loves science, and how it can prove the mysteries of the universe to us. It is also my belief that we as human beings are spiritually tied to what science proves to us. Most of us have this innate feeling of something beyond ourselves, something that we cant see or touch but we know is there.

Twin Flames is a very deep concept of love, and it caters to our idea of finding that "one true love" in our lives. It gives us something to fight and live for. But isn't that what faith or hope is? Believing in the things you cannot see or touch but knowing for sure that it exists. I think the same can be said for true love, it's a faith we keep throughout our lives that makes our life worth living more. Even if when we die it was not true, and twin flames is not least we can say that person lived a life of faith and was happy living it that way. I myself, know that twin flames are real.....but that is my own reality...and im happy with that.

What do you guys think of this? I'd like to get some feedback from people on this topic. Spirituality ans Science go hand in hand to me, lets see what other people have to say.

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