#challenge30days - Mindfulness: road to enlightenment (7/30) - 30 Days blogging/meditation streak

Some people might ask themselves what meditation is good for. To those i recommend reading this awesome book written by a guy who lived for two years on a park bench in pure happiness.

I don't necessarily think one does have to be as radical, but he certainly does have some very good points, and the book does a good job getting them across.

Here is a link to Eckhart Toles: The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

In his book, he talks about how we often try to either live in the past or the future. And this is a big deal, because they are not "real". Yea this is a bit of a bold statement, but if you think thoroughly there is some truth in it. I like to look at it that way.

Can you take actions in the past?
No! So why worry about it? Okay, there might also be thinking about the past that contains joyful memories. They can be beneficial to an extent. But loosing yourself in memories will weaken your link to reality, which is now. And once you return into the real world, and you will have to, it will not make you happy.

Can you take actions in the future
Also no! You will never be able to take actions in the future. Once actions can be taken, the future becomes the NOW. See where we are going?

Now an argument to think about the future would be to be prepared to take actions, once the future becomes the now. But in order to do that we would have to know how the future looks like. And lets be honest 99 percent of the time we think of the we are assembling dialogues in our head we mill probably never have or we think about situations we will never be in. Is this beneficial? I think not.

Now, i am not an extremist. Thus i think there has to be some planing for the future, or else i will literally end up on the park bench, and not in the blissful way. So there has to be a balance.

Though i am most certainly on the same page as Tole, as far as the made up dialogues and situations are concerned. I by cutting these out, our mind will have an easier time, and will give us back some happiness in return.

If you like these ideas, definitely go check out the book, there are tons of really interesting thoughts in there.

Thanks for reading & stay healthy :)

This is part of the 30 days writing challenge by @dragosroua. I combined this with a mindfulness challenge. My goal with this is to improve writing & english skills as well as becoming more self aware.

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