Challenge 30: Cliodynamics and the Collapse of Civilisation

Cliodynamics is not a term you hear everyday. But it caught my eye in an article about the coming collapse of civilisation.

It seems to be everybody's favorite subject for a book or TV show. That and the usual Armageddon stuff.

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Bitcoin comes up time and time again as an alternative world currency on the eve the collapse of civilisation.
But it is very digital and very dependent on some sort of stable environment to keep the servers going.
So Maybe not.

The only real alternative currency will be a strong will to survive and a big gun.
You will also need a Bug-out bag and a list of places you can get your stuff,
when the big fuck-up happens and you and your family are left to fend for yourself.

In the UK the only place you can get a gun, is from your local Police station or Army Armouries.
No Walmarts here, flogging Sniper Rifles to the great untrained and unwashed.
Well maybe the odd Sports shop selling Shotguns.

Everybody has an opinion as to how it will all fall apart.
And then we discover Cliodynamics

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

A professor of Ecology and Mathematics from the University of Connecticut, Peter Turchin has led the development of a cross-disciplinary subject called 'cliodynamics'.
'Cliodynamics is a new 'transdisciplinary discipline' that treats history as just another science,' Professor Turchin says.
He started out using maths to predict human activity from 1500 B.C.E. to 1500 C.E.
Then three years ago, using similar models, he began to forecast the future.
'My model indicated that social instability and political violence would peak in the 2020s,' he says.
'The presidential election which we have experienced, unfortunately, confirms this forecast.
'We seem to be well on track for the 2020s instability peak.'
Exactly what will happen when this 'peak' occurs is unknown, and Professor Turchin says the theory does not predict events. but trends.
He said the turmoil would be driven by a process of 'elite overproduction' in which the number of rich, elite people in society grows larger and they become ever more distant from those poorer.

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image courtsey of @reneenouveau
Badge Courtsey of @elyaque


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