Food sovereignty, how we participate.

I very recently joined steemit and through @papa-pepper I found the challenge by @homesteaderscoop. This will be my first challenge so bear with me..
We too grow food for our family. In our area there was a lot of media attention regarding food safety and high-tech ag doesn't make the situation much better. Our food contains less and less nutrients so as a species we see more diseases popping up. As a family we decided we do not want to participate in this food system so we opted-out. Our number one priority is nutrientdense food not only for us but for our community as well.

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As we began on our garden a few years ago we knew that in order to have nutrientdense food we need healthy plants and for that we need healthy soil. Due to our background in biology we instantly made the connection there was something entirely wrong with the way food is produced today.

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Now after years of trial, error and lots of learning we grow most of our food ourselfs. Still there is always more knowlegde and skills out there and that is a great asset as well. Once you've grown that tomato plant you will eat so much that you don't know what to do with it anymore. That is when you start you first skill: canning. Nowadays besides canning we also make bread and cheese quite regularly. However my favorite crop of all remains the potato.

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The best thing about taking control over your food? “The sheer ecstacy of life” like Joel Salatin calls. It is indeed the most motivating thing there is.
I mean, just look at this!

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Every once in a while we make a mistake like planting daikon at the wrong time of year. Nature rewarded us with lots of pollinators though.

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So the message of the day is to go out and don’t turn a blind eye to our food system.
I encourage you to grow just one plant, you can make a difference too!

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