100K Challenge (Day 010/300) : Crushed by EOS!

This is how the 100K Challenge is looking after day 10


Not exactly the plan .. and no excuses being made ... I absolutely suck at this challenge.

So what went wrong ? ...I mean since everything went wrong last time ...

shaking .gif

I took a punt on EOS at €5.10 and, well... this happened ....


This is the graph that prompted the move ... the green hand is where I bought in ....

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So what can I say ...


I'm going to need an EOS recovery just to get back to even ....

nothing much I could do about the trade .. well apart from it being a shit entry .... but it looked all set to gain another couple of ticks then ...WAM ... an unmerciful rip back and there was no getting away from it ... I guess that's what happens when you play with fire.

I'll just have to ride out the storm ... let's hope the next rip is equally volatile, but in an upward direction.
On the plus side, there looks to be a good chance of that ...

I should also mention EOS wasn't my only action ... I've been busy trying to speculate with my other coins to make up some of the shortfall.
I made plays on Litcoin and Iconomi in the last couple of days.. and with some decent gains.


So far to date I'm holding

2028 Ripple (-2%)
10 Litecoin (+11%)
100 Iconomi (+10%)
254 EOS (-46%)

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Starting Bank €3,000
Cash - €500
Litecoin - €449
Iconomi - €319
Ripple - €445
EOS - €700

Standing Total - €2,413

Keeping fingers and toes crossed for an EOS recovery .... the signs are positive at least ....

I guess if nothing else, this blog post affords you the opportunity to learn from my mistakes ... and I absolutely made a big one here ... it's going to set me back .. but I will remain focused on increasing the value of my other coin investments .. so that way when EOS recovers, I'll be in a strong position.

On-wards and upwards !


€3K to €100K ... let's do this ! ... to the moon !



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