Change they say is inevitable, that's a true fact in all ramifications, even nature concore to this assertion....
.......Change is inevitable!
Virtually everything dance to the wind of change
•The economy
•The government
•The ecosystem
•The human body system.....etc
The problem of man have been overcoming the effects of change or rather the inability of man to adapt to change!
Take a look at this speciesimages (8).jpg
![images (7).jpg]
images (7).jpg
Source: (https://images.google.com.ng/imgres?imgurl)
The evolution of thorns on the above species is a function of adapting to changes which became inevitable in the environment.... The problem of desertification and water conservation issues. Hence for survival to be possible, conservation of water becomes inevitable..... That's the change.
For one to survive, one have to take a cue from nature and act in the following ways:
•Understand the cause of the change
•Ascertain if it's a gradual or sudden change
•Then change accordingly
And remember
• Never stick to the old pattern of doing things
• Never resist change
• Be flexible
If u resist change, be prepared to be changed and once u are changed, you become vestigial.
Happy Sunday pals...
ten days tutoring challenge
6th entry!

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