Pay it forward

The ripple effect occurs in everything we do.
What you do today will have a lasting effect on your life. Good or bad choices they are up to you …
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If you sleep through your alarm, then kick your toe getting out of bed everything just seams to snowball into having a bad day and you make a mountain out of a mole hill and attract even more bad luck and negativity into your life.
and the same goes the other way .. if you wake up refreshed to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and muffins baking in the oven, you jump out of bed full of energy, have a good stretch and feel fantastic.. the rest of the day just keeps getting better … It Becomes a ripple effect ..

Its the same when you reach out to do a nice deed for someone, you might make their day or even save their life. If you have not seen the movie Pay it forward I suggest you hire it or download it .. It is beautiful and a tear jerker at the end but it has a really beautiful message about helping strangers and being grateful for everything you have.
Trevor has a school project to change the World, and by him helping 3 people who go out and help 3 people who also help 3 people it becomes a ripple effect.

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One of my fav quotes is “ To the world you might only be one person but to one person you might be their world”
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You just don't realise how much power doing good dead for someone could do.

Some people need a hand UP not a hand OUT ..

And its not about giving away money.. anyone can do that.. this is about showing that you care. Yesterday while at McDonalds an elderly lady and I were both getting up to leave at the same time and I offered to take her serving tray to the bin for her ( I was going there anyway .. her face lit up with joy as she thanked me .. something as simple as taking the trash out shows that they are not forgotten about .. I do little things like that all the time.. I offer to help people in grocery stores reach for things, carry groceries to car or unload them ( my 84 year old dad has trouble doing this, so I know its tough and they don't like asking for help but happy to accept an offer)

So how are you going to PAY IT FORWARD This Week ?

I challenge you to do 3 nice things for a stranger or friends this week ☺

Comment below “Challenge Accepted” if you want to Pay it Forward to 3 people this week?
“Follow me” so that you can come back to this post and tell me the 3 things you did this week to help someone have a better day ☺


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