It is ok to say NO!

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So many of us (especially woman) feel that we have to please everyone else first before we please ourselves. How many times, in the last 30 days, have you agreed to do something for someone else when you really wanted to say NO?

It may have been an extra shift at work, babysitting the neighbours’ kids, car pooling, having dinner with the in-laws, lending money to someone . . .
Whatever it was, there are times in our lives that we really want to say “No” but we say “Yes” just to “please others.”
We often feel obliged like we have to as we are worried about what others will "think " about us if we say no..

Well, it is time to STOP. For the next 30 days, I challenge you to “Please Yourself FIRST.”
Our head sometimes makes decisions that are not in our best interest, but your heart will always make the right one. Only when we look after ourselves first are we then able to help others. That is why in an emergency on a plane they say to fit your own breathing mask before helping others.

So for the next 30 days before deciding to do anything your not sure of close you eyes put your hand on your heart and connect with it takes a few deep breaths and ASK YOUR HEART the question, your heart will give you the right answer. If you want say “No,” then say “NO.” Do it in a nice way, but let them know that you don’t have the energy, head space, time or ....X..... to do ......X....... Be honest and let them know that you need “Me”-Time. You may be able to X in a few hours or a few days you just don’t have to drop everything right now to do it.
Look after #1 for a change.

If you do agree to watch the neighbours’ kids or whatever the favour is, make sure that it is not one-sided. Agree to do it if she looks after yours next week so that you get that “ME”- Time back. Fair’s fair..

Trust me you will feel silly the first few times you put your hand on your heart and ask your heart a question thinking this is all woo- woo.. but if you believe in intuition or gut feeling then trust me when I tell you that heart intuition is even stronger.. xx


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