Unexpected Breaks can be very eye-opening

Here I was, just days ago, happily back in the blogging groove. Excited to be an active part of the community again, as I fed off the collective energies in order to fuel my desire to make a joyful life for myself.

It was Thursday, I think, as I was set to go on an energy healing journey with a friend. There is a very cool new (to me) shop near me and she sprung for us each to have an energy healing session (as a Christmas gift). Not knowing what to expect, I simply went in with an open heart and mind.

While she was in her 20 minute session, I browsed the store. Each pass through I saw more things I had missed, quickly realizing 'how will I keep busy in this small store for 20 minutes?' turned to 'I need to come back when I have more time!'

We were meeting another friend at my house so that was lucky, actually. I'd have spent all my money on a ton of books.
I narrowed my book selection to a single title:
'Meditations for Psychic Development' by Chanda Parkinson

It is meant to be read through and then gone back over to put the meditations into practice. I am just over halfway through. But more on that after I dazzle with this photo of the 3 stones I decided on. Also narrowed from a giant load I wanted.

I settled on a Blood Stone (largest one, top left), a Dragon Stone (the green and red one) and an Aquamarine (the pretty blue one). I'm a sucker for a pretty rock but I've wanted the blood and dragon stones and I'm a March baby so I'm of course drawn to the aquamarine.

The healing session itself was quite an experience. In the beginning she told me all the things I 'may' experience. That if I felt any particular emotion to let it out...'no judgement'.
I basically felt like I was in the most peaceful mediation. And I do not like being around strangers. I tend to stay away from situations where I am not fully aware of what to expect. I like knowing.
Oddly, I felt zero anxiety going into this session. My friend was a little worried and 'hoped' I'd just 'be open to it'. I was more than open and it was really wonderful.

Up until the ending of my 20 minutes. I was still relaxed and enjoying the simple quiet and peace I was feeling. But then my throat felt tight. As if someone had put a foot on my neck or was squeezing tight. I wasn't afraid but knew something was happening.
I spent the last few minutes struggling with my need to not cry in front of a stranger and taking to heart her words from earlier ...
'no judgement'

She ended the session telling me to be kind to myself and do what I needed to do to feel at ease with myself.

I walked away feeling emotionally spent but at the same time energized.

My friend and I walked around the store one more time, as I had a few things in mind to buy (the books and stones). She showed me a necklace she was getting for herself...laser cut wood pendants representing each chakra. I went back for my own 'throat chakra' necklace.

(pardon the EXTREME CLOSE UP!)

So what of these 'unexpected breaks'?

Well, back to the book. I tend not to read actual books so when I bought this book, I had to expect that I would find (make) time to read it.
Saturday morning I dropped my compute on the floor.
Plenty of time for reading over the past couple of days!

Breaking my computer really opened my eyes. I put off a lot of things until I have no choice but to take action. This is the second time I've had to have someone look at my computer and try to at least retrieve it's info for me.
Last time, the info was saved but not the computer.
This time, he was able to fix the computer but all my things were gone.

So it is my hope that these unexpected breaks: the broken computer and the break in my online presence (again) will fully open my eyes to the things I miss, or rather the things I ignore.

The universe is talking to us all the time. I often just take the 'broken computer' moments as a negative/bad luck sign. When really they almost always turn out to be 'you're not paying attention so I'm gonna have to make this more obvious' pushes from the universe.

I promise I'll pay closer attention.

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