Science and the Aura

Is Human Aura true ?
According to the science, human body consists of energy vibrating at specific rates. This vibrational energy produces a magnetic field around the body. All our bodily processes such as respiration, digestion, nervous and circulatory etc comprise of a series of electrochemical reactions. These magnetic and electrical energy fields interact to form what is now known as "The Bio-Energetic Field". This bio-energetic field is known as 'Aura' and it surrounds about 4 feet to 5 feet of an area around human body. This 'Aura' interacts with environmental forces to create an energy balance in our body which is so essential for its normal functioning. It is believed that not only human beings, all other plants, animals and even inanimate objects possess 'aura.' Aura has primary colors, like that of rainbow. The color and size of aura varies depending on the emotional and physical health of an individual. For example, those with happy and positive thoughts has wider and brighter aura while those with sad and negative thoughts have smaller and faded/black aura. Inside human body there are points of energy concentration where energy from Universe and our body meet and distribute energy to various other parts of the body. The energy is distributed through channels which form 'Meridian System'. There are 7 major Chakras and 122 minor Chakras in out body. Any disruption in the normal functioning of Chakras and Meridian System impact the Aura surrounding our body. In medical terminology these manifest as physical diseases and illnesses like cancer, diabetes and hypertension etc. or psychological and mental disturbances like depression, schizophrenia and sleeplessness etc. Are you wondering how beneficial it will be know that our inner machinery is not functioning properly even before the problem becomes conspicious in the form of symptoms? We can immediately start the healing process before the disease spreads it roots.


What Science say about
Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The aura is made up of different types of energy which manifests itself above and beyond the surface of the skin. The aura is a very subtle interaction of energies and surrounds the human body for a distance of yards. The human body (indeed, every living thing presently known) functions on an electro-chemical energy system. This means that, in addition to the chemical vascular/muscular system, you also have an electrically operated nervous system. This electrical system is controlled by chemicals called neurotransmitters. You already know that electroencephalograms (E.E.G.) are used to determine if a brain is functioning properly. You also know that these electrical measurements of the brains activity are taken remotely, from or near the skin, not directly from the brain itself. In other words, the doctors are reading the electromagnetic field the brain puts out using man-made electrical and electronic instruments even though these tools are crude and relatively ineffective compared to the human protoplasmic and electro-chemical body.


Your Energy Clothing....As Science say
This electro-magnetic field is exactly similar to the electromagnetic field around a high voltage power line. it is real and is measured through the electromagnetic aura your body emits. Even though your electrical output is much lower than the local nuke, the electromagnetic aura is unusually large for such small electrical pulses. This is caused by resistance in the transmission lines. The more resistance in the line, the more intense the electrical aura. And, the slower the signal travels. Superconductors will transmit electricity at the speed of light (almost) with virtually none of the energy drain that line resistance translates to the electric aura. The more conductive the electrical line, the less power loss, the faster electricity is transmitted, and the smaller the electromagnetic field aura. The human body, however does not transmit electrical signals at anywhere close to the speed of light (about 186,000 miles per second). The largest and thickest nerve fibers conduct electricity at up to 500 feet/second while the thinnest conduct electricity at only about three feet/second. The high resistance and special design of this bio-electro-chemical system creates a large electromagnetic field in relation to the small electrical charges used. This electromagnetic aura exists all over the body wherever nerve fibers exist. This bio-electrical system is not exactly like a power transmission line but more like a telegraph line. The body sends short impulses through these nerve fibers. These tiny pulses of electricity, about one thousandth of a second long, occur continuously. Even at rest, your brain sends electrical pulses at least once every second to the entire body and will send (and receive) up to 60 pulses per second during activity.

Science Measures the Human Energy Field
Throughout your nervous system are junctions, called "Nodes of Ranvier", named after the scientist who discovered them. For the sake of brevity and future lesson use, lets call these Nodes of Ranvier "Tsubos". Each of these Tsubos creates an even more intense aura similar to the increased electric aura around junctions on power lines. You remember these, you can hear them crackle on a humid day. In fact, some high power electrical transmission lines put out such an intense aura that you can see it on a humid night, especially in the vicinity of a junction. In an exactly similar way you can see this aura around a person when conditions are just right. You can also measure this aura just like engineers measure the electromagnetic field of a transmission line. Electrical lines bringing power to an appliance in your home vary greatly in frequency and strength. At many junctions, the electricity is altered and "stepped" up or down, changed to 240 volts, 120 volts, or other voltages for commercial usage. The body also sends out electrical signals of varying frequency and strength. Because the body is a biological system, the electrical signals will vary with the activity and health of the body/mind. This bio-electrical system has some advantages over the metal electrical systems (and some disadvantages). A big advantage is that the biological system can repair itself. Another advantage is that it doesn't have to be removed to be repaired. Of course, it is slow and inefficient, putting out a lot of waste energy in the form of an electromagnetic aura, but, there's always some good with the bad. Electricity is transmitted by electrons. ALWAYS! No matter what the system, electricity is transmitted by electrons. Electrons come in two flavors, left spin and right spin. This is from quantum physics but please don't take the course at your local university without a lot of preparation. The electricity you get at home is a mix of left and right spin electrons in a homogeneous mass. The biological system is able to differentiate between the slightly different electrical aura of left and right spin electrons and preferentially uses them for specific signals. This slightly alters the character of the electromagnetic field when the current is mostly left spin as opposed to mostly right spin. The brain handles most of the decision making for the body but not all. Somewhat akin to dinosaurs, we have a kind of brain in our back, the spinal column. Since our nervous system is so slow, we have adopted a method of handling emergencies where speed of response is essential. Many reflex actions are handled by groups of neurons in our spinal column, including walking. These neurons are located in giant Tsubos at locations in the nerves of the spine. That way, we can be moving even before we "think" about the danger we're moving from.

To be continued:

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