Why I Post on ChainBB Only For Now...



This is my first time publishing an article on the steem blockchain without using steemit.com, this post was written entirely using ChainBB. It's a little strange, I must admit, as it is still in beta and much must be done to bring this software to it's full capacity. Nevertheless, I'm impressed.

Why do I post on ChainBB rather than Steemit.com?

I post there because I want to support our developers, @jesta more specifically. As he mentioned in his last article, @jesta modified the rewards mechanism so that 15% of it goes to fund the development of ChainBB.

Look at this:

In the last 24hours, there are only 3 authors that use chainBB to publish on the blockchain.


That's not even near the kind of support @jesta need to bring it's vision to it's completion. To know how big ChainBB can become, please read ChainBB - A Review of what may become way bigger than steemit.com. But for this grand vision and more to be accomplished, @jesta need your support. And you can do this by posting in his app rather than steemit.com

Another reason to post on ChainBB

To be honest, I am worried that our independent devs just decide to pack up, leave and start their own version of the steem blockchain in order to achieve what they want to achieve.


If many people start using ChainBB, then I believe that there is less chances for what @jesta outlined above to occur. It's true that hardforks can put a monkey wrench in someone's business model. But if there are many apps actively used by the network, Steemit INC and the witness will have to take into account the impact those decisions will have on those businesses.

There are great benefit to remain on the steem blockchain. All your followers are with you across platforms, (that's a biggy for marketers and businesses), we all benefit monetarily by having more people using the same blockchain and more development is put on the core development of the blockchain over time. But we can't deny the temptation for devs to start their own blockchain for more control of the environment for example.

Developments I'm Looking For On ChainBB

1. Communities!

Of course, that's what I'm most excited about because they will make the process of forum building much more interesting. Each communities could be a specific forum with tags managing the topics within that community. Can hardly wait for that.

2. Post Preview

As I was writing this post, I missed being able to see what I write.

3. Image Hosting

Now that we can simply drag-and-drop images within steemit.com, I'm now realizing how I became hooked to that function.

4. Themes and Editor

To me, I find the font a little too big. I'm used to a much smaller format. A WYSISYG text editor would help adoption I'm sure.


Just head to chainBB website: https://beta.chainbb.com and please start posting using this website. I don't know for you but, more than the money, what I enjoy the most about crypto and blockchain, is the feeling of being a pioneering the future of internet technology.

EDITS: I didn't realize that it applies to comments too! Comment away of ChainBB on this article. If you mention that you wrote your comment using ChainBB, you'll get my $3 worth of upvote.


One last Thing, are you a twitter user?

If so - maske sure to take part in Bobby Lee's poll and vote for STEEM as the currency that should be added to BTCC. The more exchanges we can get supporting Steem, the more options all of us will have to buy or sell Steem :)

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