Happy 27th Birthday to me

imageHappy 27th Birthday to me 🎂 I'm officially entering my LATE 20s 😱 but still lookin' early 20s so cheers to that 🥂In my case, cheers with a cup of Luwak Coffee ☕️

Spending my birthday in Bali this year is already beyond words amazing... but doing a Balinese coffee tasting with this stunning view is just 💯PERFECT!!

If someone told me 10 or even 5 years ago, that at age 27 I would be where and who I am today, I'd tell them "You're crazy, I hope not!" When I was a little girl (age, not height lol), 27 years old sounded so old, I imagined my life being a lot more settled and stable.

Now that I've hit the late 20s, it's so far from that!! Life doesn't always go as planned and definitely is unpredictable. But it's not necessarily a bad thing!! Life just has a way of surprising me but it certainly is keeping it fun! Cheers to the wiser years 2️⃣7️⃣🎂

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