Trivia #5 - The first song composed by AI

We always music is an art, and it is a form to express our sentiments. AI has been so successful in different fields, but they don't have feelings, so they should not be able to compose a song right?

Then you are really wrong!

In 2016 Sep, Sony has published the first song composed by AI, called "Daddy's car". This song is composed by the AI system "Flow Machine" after it has analysed the melodies of many different songs. Then it try to imitate the melodies with reference to Beatles's song style. As for the lyrics and arrangement it is done by the French composer Benoît Carré. Besides, two more songs that are composed by AI are going to be included in an album this year!

It is hard to foresee the future development of AI. It can take over our work, play chess game and even compose songs. Oy my God, is there something that AI can't do?

Youtube video for the song "Daddy's car":

p.s. frankly speaking I dun think it is too good, AI please don't kill me.

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