Cervantes Magazine Number 24: Guest Author

Childhood is the stage of existence of a human being that begins at birth and extends to puberty. It often evokes nostalgic tints, due to the human’s ability to channel the positive from a memory. But how is CHILDHOOD, the most beautiful phase of life, nowadays? Have you ever asked yourself that?

Certainly, I have heard and seen how little by little, this stage of life has been declining over the years. Several questions arise that I can answer, at a high level, about the causes of this decline. The first and only cause in my opinion, is the rise of technology.

Is not a secret that in the 21st century, the high amounts of technological products are advancing more every day, which leads us to adapt one step a time, to this great technological mass day by day. What does technology have to do with childhood?

Childhood, according to the following text; It is a stage of our lives, in which we have the greatest and best resources to be happy. CHILDREN TODAY ARE LITTLE ADULTS; THE STAGES OF LIFE ARE JUMPED AND THEY DON’T EXPERIENCE CHILDHOOD. IF THE PARENTS TAKES THEM TO A BEACH, THEY PREFER TO BE WITH THE TECHNOLOGY RATHER THAN BATHING IN THE SEA. Marisín Villalaz de Arias (Physician).

This concern about Childhood/Technology, led me to make a small and unstructured interview with some children near my town. Carrying out a small analysis in terms of their tastes today. The results i obtained were that, of 10 children "interviewed", 8 expressed feeling attraction for some technological device with much eagerness and praise, instead of some toy or diverse sports. Which gave me the impression that I started to live in the past, and those things simply doesn’t exist today. And if they do, let me tell you that it is underappreciated.

According to Sigmund Freud; "At birth, we do our best to satisfy the numerous impulses and instincts that dominate us, without restrictions of any kind, and later, influenced by our environment, we began to establish a series of norms and rules to live in society, which will accompany us the rest of our lives. "

If this is the case, from the time we are small and influenced by different things, such as technology, that will accompany us during our childhood. That is to say: it will be our "childhood", from that perspective.

Indulge me while i got back to my childhood for bit, I used to play hopscotch, skipping rope and talked with our parents, grandparents and friends. The games played by the older ones were shared by us children and vice versa. We have to recognize that life before was very different from today, and parents are responsible for raising these children.

I remember that during those years, my parents did not allow me to watch TV for a long time, or play on my Nintendo for several hours, everything had its time you were supposed to earn it. Today, children, even before walking, already have a toy resembling a smartphone and that is the game they are taught. My first cell phone was bought by my parents when I was 13 years old, it was my only option, to call me after I finished classes and pick me up.

Today children handle technology better than any adult. If you ask them what a cassette or vinyl is and they won’t know, because during their lives they’ve only know the most modern technology devices. They are children who will soon lose, in their totality, the power of expressing themselves or having a pleasant conversation with their parents and, I believe, also among themselves. They are destined to be mute, because sadly, they will not know how to intone a good conversation, they will be comfortable just writing on a device, correcting their spelling mistakes.

I’ve seen some children who play soccer or practice baseball, and once they finish their practice, they run to check their cell phones, it seems exaggerated but it is the truth . When they become adults they will continue to be tied to those devices, with no greater or better memories of their childhood, because they simply did not have them. They may have lacked the love and attention of parents, perhaps. They won’t be able to know what it means to be children, have friends to talk, share joys and games, because they were only waiting for the computer or cell phone.

I don’t want us to see technology as an evil and grotesque form of existence, on the contrary, my contribution to this is to seek better ways and make good use of technology with our children, not letting them use the computer and other devices for a long time, or regulating its use. They can use it! But being careful of not letting them swim too much in this great inter-technological sea that we live in today, so that they don’t consume their childhood, let’s keep children from abusing excessively all of these devices. Because their childhood will be resumed in: ​​an Instagram photo, a RT on Twitter, and so on.

Finally and to conclude: parents should be alert to signs that indicate abuse or the misuse of new technologies by their children and also take actions that can generate protection for the child. My recommendations for this would be:

Establish a game schedule with rest periods that don’t involve the use of technology.

Avoid using television, internet, etc. as a "nanny".

Give different gratification options, for example playing outside, sports, visiting parks, etc.

Strengthen affective ties and intrafamilial communication (Very Important).

Address the proper use of free time: spend time with family, make a hobby (collecting, board games, visiting friends or family, practice art or sports, do social work).

Limit the use of social networks and access to internet packages on mobile phones.

Children under the age of two don’t have to watch television.

It is not about prohibiting exposure to the media, it is about teaching the children self-control, discernment and appropriate use of what technology provides.





Jesber Chavez

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