After so much work and so much to fulfill my responsibilities I decided to take a sabbatical from my 28 years, I worked as an advisor in a bank and it was my second job after finishing my studies as an accountant and since the competition was strong for me I had to take works not in line with my career, I worked as a waiter in a small restaurant, my performance and my perseverance led me to be a kitchen assistant, not very popular in fact I was very quiet I only dedicated myself to mine and good was all that I had left .
I tried to keep my mind busy with many activities, keep myself always active and busy, I lived alone because my family lived in another state. I decided to take a trip alone in an old motorcycle 1980 Harley-Davidson FXB 1340 Sturgis that my father had given me when I finished my studies at the university, it was like a family heirloom because it was my grandfather's gift in the same way he had given it to the complete your studies.
I had completely restored it since it was a motorcycle of 30 years old and I wanted it to be as originally as possible to undertake my long-awaited journey without destination. I'm not sure if it was a crazy idea but it was my deepest desire for disorientation, because always my life was very orderly and I was a little manic to do things daily.
I started my odyssey on a Wednesday, because my unbridled desire for something different and not following the rules made me leave the week in half and not at the beginning or the end of it, with my encouragement to the maximum I left everything I knew back for a good time, while the wheels of my old harley devoured the road and took me through streets I did not know, my emotion grew more and more because it was what I had wanted so much to paint a different tone to my life nuanced uniformly, so I went getting more and more far riding my motorcycle.
The days went by and I had taken the trip as relaxed as possible, I walked the road and stopped to rest, sometimes just stopped to relax and enjoy the scenery or the occasional party I got on the way. I had arrived in a small town far from everything because on the road during a very colorful festival I drank more in the company of two beautiful strangers, I was having a good time and decided to take into account their recommendation.
Certainly it was a beautiful country place where technology was very absent, as if taken from an old film perfect to forget everything and relax at ease with nature, I decided to stay a few days after a long journey, to a state of relaxation very nice, but it was time to leave and continue my journey, so I got ready early to take advantage of the cool morning as it was the end of summer and the inclemency of the sun was getting worse, leaving the town was a long and dusty dirt road of several miles I had to cross to get to the main asphalt road and continue on my way.
It was very early and it was still dark and I could barely distinguish how little the lantern of the harley showed me, I remember it was about 80 km / h when suddenly my bluff illuminated something that I tried to dodge which led me to slide abruptly while trying to maneuver, between pain and anger I woke up seconds after verifying that it was okay and seeing my old harley thrown in the way by luck alone and had hit a bit because the jacket and jean took the worst part, look back and look at the dark tumult for which I had lost the balance that was about 10 meters from where I fell so I approached and I could see that it was someone, an old woman ran to help her was unconscious hold her alone was faint with his face scratched, He was cold to the point that he looked like a corpse, when suddenly he woke up and started screaming, he could not understand he spoke a strange language he seemed indigenous, repeated again and again:

she repeated it again and again, her eyes were wide open and showed a deep fear and her bloodied face I imagined that she had been attacked by some wild animal that left her in that beaten state and with long scratches, I tried to calm her but I could not, so I let her take off my jacket and put it on my pillow, I kept screaming and repeating those words, I had to do something fast because it was very dark I decided to grab some branches and some of the gasoline that was spilled and light them in the middle of the way so that they could visualize us and give us help.
I sat down next to her and took her hand while she waited, she squeezed me as hard as saying "do not let me go", after a while I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw two lanterns approaching in the distance, I stopped and the old woman did not want to let me sign with the other hand, the small fire had accomplished its mission, upon arriving I saw that it was an old Apache truck from which a gentleman not so tall and robust came down that immediately jump to help me.
I ask:
- What happened?
- By God it's old Mae.
- What has happened to him? ...
I replied:
- I do not know, I found her on the road and trying to avoid her, she was apparently attacked by some animal!

He stared at me incredulously, and helped him up the old woman to the vehicle.

I ask:
- Do you need me to take you?
I replied:
- If it's not annoying, then my motorcycle does not want to turn on.
So between the two we managed to lift and place it in the truck drawer, so we returned to the village leaving the old woman in a small clinic in the town, and then we went to take the harley in the village workshop to light it. Moments later the haley is ready to follow the path, so I decided to take a bath and see how old Mae was. I fixed myself and went to the clinic between and it was something desolate I did not have anyone to ask her, a while later I found a nurse.

-Good day Miss.
-Good morning sir, what can I do for you?
-I come to see a patient, an old woman who arrived this morning.
-Ah yes, are you familiar?
-No, I just brought her, I found her on the road and I brought her here.

  • You are quite considerate, I congratulate you.
  • Thank you Miss, could you tell me how the lady is?
    -Ah yes, the lady is better, we had to inject tranquilizers and sleep because she was very agitated, at this time is deeply asleep but if you want to see her is fine.
  • Yes, of course, if it's not annoying.
  • Of course not, only you have come to see her, come here please.
    I followed the nurse and took me to the room of the old Mae, between and certainly was deeply asleep, the deafening silence and that quietness dominated the atmosphere looked very calm, nothing to do with the old woman who screamed desperate and did not calm down. I left the office and returned to the inn where I had stayed, I decided to stay since it was already past noon and it was late to grab the road and be exhausted from all that hustle and I thought my trip has no rush so I'll leave tomorrow early
    I was admiring the sunset for a while while enjoying a cigarette, since I felt somewhat restless, I finished my cigarette and went to sleep because I would leave early in the morning. I was already sound asleep, I wake up suddenly it was 3:00 am and I notice something strange that deafening silence bring to my mind the old Mae and I notice that I am completely paralyzed, when the silence is interrupted by whispers as if someone were calling far, my nerves were on edge and I could not move a muscle, so much so that I did not understand those whispers, but they became familiar, of course those strange words that the old woman shouted.
    I could not believe it, was I dreaming ?, but I felt everything so real, what was all that? I was scared to death and could not do anything, and the whispers would not stop, when I see a white silhouette of clothing shining against the light it was the figure of the old Mae, but what was she doing there? She had left her sound asleep in the room of the consulting room. There was something different in her, suddenly the figure was darkening his face was no longer the same, his calm face became very dark and sinister and his whispers became a roaring macabre laugh, his eyes became completely black, what Was that dream? Why did all this happen to me? I was so scared that my voice was also paralyzed I tried to scream but I could not, I looked at that terrified macabre figure, when suddenly it starts to approach as if it slipped was horrible, I had the heart that almost came out the closer it came, when this front to me he stares at me and his laughter becomes more macabre and pounces on me, I managed to move suddenly startled and I almost fainted that figure had disappeared instantly, is restless without believing what he had lived, was it dream? I do not think, it seemed very real and at no time I closed my eyes, what was all that chilling?

Well friends of steemit up to here I leave the first part of this story, I will continue writing for you to continue enjoying, follow me and leave me your vote to support me and keep uploading content

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