Have you tried to leave your Comfort Zone?

Maybe you've heard that phrase again and again, however, have you looked for a way out of that comfortable area you're used to? Today I would like to find a way to help you reflect, therefore I will talk about personal experiences and my knowledge about this area.

So, what is supposed to be a COMFORT ZONE?

It is a space that we know
You like it, you're comfortable
No surprises
You always do the same
Where nothing ever happens that makes you feel different.



Actually FEAR is the main factor that affects us when it comes to wanting to expand, or leaving our comfort zone, for genetics, we are afraid of the unknown. In my case, I spent 9 years working for a company, one day I received a proposal totally out of my plans, to work in a plant that is 50 minutes away from my house, where balanced feed for animals is produced, between they dogs and cats, something that was totally out of my comfort zone because in the company that works I was always doing projects and dress FASHION campaigns, being 4 blocks from my house, however I decided to accept, it has not been easy but I liked learning new things and knowing a completely different world than the one I was submerged.

I am anxious to know what my next challenge will be, as long as they make me grow professionally and personally.


What things do you want to change or modify in your life?

Change negative behavior

For example let's say you have a hard time leaving your city. It gives you real panic to get away from your surroundings.
A very simple and controlled way to get out of that comfort zone is to visit the city next door. It is likely that what you have to invest will be the same as staying in your city.

They can expand their comfort zone little by little so that they gain more confidence in themselves.


There is no place for adventure and excitement in your comfort zone; in fact, over time you might feel overwhelmed and trapped by boredom and fear.

Face your fears, make a fool of yourself, take risks, enjoy the unknown. It is enough to be behind a wall hiding your way of being or your personality for thinking about the "what they will say".

Change does not mean that you lose what you had, but you add something to what you already had, the change is actually DEVELOPMENT


RESISTANCE TO CHANGE is not necessarily by whim, but as a natural reaction to what is perceived as a threat of probable loss or mismatch, so that a successful process of change oriented towards effectiveness must be achieved.

What are the benefits?

You discover that you have a POTENTIAL that you did not know
That you have EXCEEDED limits (external and internal) that until then limited you
Fear disappears and YOU WANT MORE
You do not know what your next challenge will be but you see yourself CAPABLE OF EVERYTHING.
You will ALWAYS have your people near you.


The change begins in you, knows places you've never been, begins now to do your personal project, changes jobs when you feel you're not learning anything new or are burdened with the same, live new experiences or activities with your partner, and if you do not have it, meet new people, surround yourself with new things. Do things you never thought of doing, fly in a paraglider, dive in the sea or meet new cultures, these things will help you get out of that area that seems to be comfortable, but we live complaining all the time.



I hope you liked it...

Thanks to #steemfamily and to all those who have supported me from the beginning.


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