Caminata con Nico #1 Sendero "Las Ardillas"-Walk with Nico # 1 Trail "The Chipmunks"

Él es Nico, un hermoso french poodle cuya dueña (tía de Cristian) ama con todo su corazón, es el bebe de la casa.

He is Nico, a beautiful french poodle whose owner (aunt of Cristian) loves with all his heart, is the baby of the house.

Una mañana Cristian y yo quisimos salir a caminar a un lindo lugar llamado el Sendero de las Ardillas, para recoger algunas piedras que pintamos para decorar nuestro jardín. De camino a nuestro destino pasamos por la casa de la tía de Cristian y decidimos llevar a Nico a caminar con nosotros. La mañana estaba agradable y muy fresca, se percibía un ambiente de tranquilidad y aroma a naturaleza, el sendero esta rodeado de grandes arboles con largos musgos y viñedos de uva "Isabela", característicos de nuestra región que han impulsado la industria y la economía de nuestro Municipio. (Ginebra-Valle del Cauca-Colombia)

One morning Cristian and I wanted to go for a walk to a nice place called the Path of the Chipmunks, to pick up some stones that we painted to decorate our garden. On the way to our destination we passed by the house of Cristian's aunt and decided to take Nico to walk with us. The morning was nice and very fresh, there was an atmosphere of tranquility and aroma of nature, the path is surrounded by big trees with long mosses and vineyards of "Isabela" grapes, characteristic of our region that have boosted the industry and the economy of our Municipality .

Nico se notaba contento y disfrutaba cada momento del recorrido, algunas veces se nos adelantaba como si fuera él quien nos guiara por el sendero, de vez en cuando volteaba a mirarnos para asegurarse que aun caminábamos junto a él.

Nico was happy and enjoyed every moment of the journey, sometimes we went ahead as if he were the one who guided us on the path, from time to time he turned to look at us to make sure that we were still walking with him.

De repente notamos que su entusiasmo ya no era el mismo y cada vez caminaba mas lento... Si te ha gustado esta historia y quieres saber lo que sucedió con Nico apoyen con sus Upvote y Reesteem. Reciban un fuerte abrazo de nuestra parte!!!

Suddenly we noticed that his enthusiasm was no longer the same and every time he walked slower ... If you liked this story and want to know what happened with Nico support with their Upvote and Reesteem.
Receive a big hug from us!

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