Cervantes Magazine Number 19: Guest Author

[Cervantes Magazine – Number 19]

An idol is what gives us confidence and security. For example, everything the The Blockchain causes us. This technology was created with the aim of establishing a registry of all transactions and activities carried out within this medium without the need of a central organization.

Cryptocurrencies have been the main source of sustenance on which this technology has been supported. However, the possibilities offered by having this huge "registry" that is updated at the same time all over the world and that is practically impossible to alter, and opens an infinite field of possibilities that other sectors study for its application.

We move to a decentralized world that invites us to create new forms of work and independence. Suddenly, thanks to this Blockchain, the creation of money passes into the hands of the people, thus taking away the monopoly of the Central Banks.

If this were a religion, the Blockchain would be our idol and the Internet our temple.

Especially since this technology offers multiple uses


One of the utilities in which Blockchain is most applied is the ability to follow food from its origin until it reaches our table.

In this way it is possible to really know what we consume, thus opening a new market gap at the same time. Producers can highlight their offers over other products that may be similar in the market.


Can you imagine a universal medical record registered in the Blockchain? A doctor could see, without error, all those medicines that the patient has ever used, also the vaccines or the ailments that have afflicted him and that could influence his diagnosis.

Over-medications or delay in a patient assessment would be avoided.


Now artists, creators and developers can find themselves through a network, create their own intelligent contract and choose which currency to charge.

Let's not lose the perspective that, for the first time in human history, people can freely choose their means of exchange.

A a quote, the popular book "La era de las BLOCK punto COM" by José Felip in his Prologue:

Welcome to the future, even if you don’t know it yet. You are in the right place at the right time to witness the greatest digital revolution, the interactions between devices, how the world processes data, manages people, makes decisions, banking, administrations, money, the business sector, governments, in short, EVERYTHING. Everything changes, everything happens as Bob Dylan would say, but what Bob did not know is that the only thing that doesn’t change is what you put in the Blockchain. Yes, that which everyone talks about, but which is hard for you to understand and here we are going to make it easy, don’t be scared, keep reading.

Now, all of this lead us to a new form of relationship, where the virtual happens to be real because, thanks to the certainty of the Blockchain we can see, in a transparent way, the movements of the user with whom we interact.

In networks like Steemit, dependency relations can also exist. Are we not used to autonomy?

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