Not Too Late: Spending My Christmas Day

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The year has been a bitter sweet one and I would say God has been faithful. I was really engaged online that I couldn't just get to share how my Christmas day went, just let me tell you how it all went, hope this post meets you well.

Monday which was 25th December was already a busy day for me, believe me, I just couldn't help than engage myself at work throughout the day so I would have some box to my pocket, my friends called me throughout to know if I will be Linkin up with them later on, I kept telling them it will be really late so they had to bear with me. I wokeup early went to my tailor's place so I could go get my Christmas cloth because she wasn't even done with it so I had to wait for her o finish up.

waiting for my tailor

When I finally got my clothes, I went back home so I could go prepare for work and when I finally got to work, there wasn't much customers to attend to so since I am also into nail design, I closed the shop and went to the saloon section, there I met so many customers to attend to them I designed about 6 customers and believe me they all liked what I did.

When it was approaching evening, I became really tired so I couldn't do anything again, I had to rest so I could prepare and go back home and eat since I had just a slice of bread for breakfast.

Resting after work

When I got back home, I boiled yam and used it with egg sauce as well as nutri milk, it really went in well, I had to bath after eating then took my rest before calling my friend to tell him I was home.

yam and egg sauce with milk

When it was 8pm, my friend came and I dressed, we couldn't just find a perfect spot, so we decided to go to the nearby mall and do some shopping for christmas. We actually spent a lot there and the items was worth the price. We had some drinks and I went back home. This is how my Christmas day went.



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