Twitter Removes Thousands of QAnon Accounts

Twitter has announced that it has permanently removed thousands of accounts sharing excessive posts related to the QAnon conspiracy theory. Twitter say their messages could lead to harm and thus violate Twitter policy.

Twitter will also block all search trends and tags related to QAnon.

Facebook is rumoured to be in the process of taking similar action soon, according to two Facebook employees who want to remain anonymous:

According to two Facebook employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, Facebook is preparing to take similar steps to limit the reach of QAnon content on its platform.

They said the company has been coordinating with Twitter and other social media companies and plans to make an announcement next month. Facebook declined to comment.[1]

If you are unfamiliar with the QAnon movement, then to summarize it quickly it's a wild bunch of theories on historical events which all ultimately lead to one conclusion, Donald Trump is the saviour of humanity.

An associate professor of communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Alice Marwick said:

It’s a conspiracy theory that makes wild claims and baseless accusations about political actors and innocent people alike.

These accounts amplify and enable networked harassment on a level that’s clearly against the Twitter terms of service. But this won’t stop QAnon from operating. It’s multiplatform and really good at adapting as media ecosystems change.[2]

Twitter has already removed 7000 accounts and shadow banned 150,000 accounts.

Exactly who Q is, the anonymous oracle behind the movement is anyone's guess, but here are my two guesses:

1) Some spotty kid in his mother's basement who has nothing better to do with him or her time, or

2) A Psychological operation by someone with an agenda, whether this is forces outside the US or forces within, I have no clue.

Are you a QAnon believer, or do you think it's nonsense. And what do you think about Twitters latest move to remove QAnon related accounts and posts, after all its still an infringement on Freedom of Speech. Please leave your comments below

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