Censorship everywhere

Censorship is everywhere and it is getting worse everyday. Growing up in America we have been fed this illusion of freedoms that a constitution, written two hundred plus years ago, grants us citizens on a daily basis. Something that is considered every person's rights. These rights are great and should be given to every person world wide and not just here on our soil. Every citizen that works hard for not just for his own family but to be a productive part of a society in which one dwells contributing to all others within his society, deserves these rights.
Current day these once, basic rights, are nothing more then legends or folklore. With the police state we are quickly becoming to the extreme censorship, I have to ask, "WTF". The censorship to me illustrates or proves beyond a shadow of a doubt just how unjust our part in the Syrian conflict is or will become. How dare an elected official be able to dictate what we as productive tax paying adult, within the land of freedom, can or can not hear. Google is a government run company I don't care what anyone has to say about it. So to say that it is a private company and they can ban whatever they want is crazy and is as retarded as the initial censorship. These companies if you own a cell phone or have any sort of internet access are impossible to avoid. You are forced Google Facebook, and the Twitter Instagram crap out there. You can not escape these privacy stealing government shills. So Google should just be "Governmentoogle" and Facebook should be Fedbook etc.
Antarctica hell we an even go there. And if you try looking it up on Google Earth they have spots blocked out. Why the hell would they be doing that unless they are coexisting with the US government and doing as they are told. Besides what can possibly be down there in an area that is supposedly uninhabitable? Even if one had the money to charter a plane down there you are prohibited from landing there. Why and on who's orders. It is a continent that has no governing body so who says one can't land there. Even if you can get permission from one of the signing parties from a treaty country to do scientific reseach you can only go to certain areas. Again by who's orders. If there is nothing down there and even scientists have a small area to conduct research. However should you be part of a military you can go wherever you want. That's insane, the military screws shit up all the damn time and they have cartre blanch access to any location.
I guess what a I am trying to say with all this nonsense I have put out here is this, why are us the people treated like children and slaves who have no rights and must do as we are told and how we better do things or else. I am one who works very hard and has nothing to show for it and it seems no rights to go with the nothing I have to show for as well. When is this controlled madness going to go away. When are we going to rise up a a society and not as a section.i.e. Americans, Mexicans, Blacks but as a collective cause we are all getting shit on, and say FU government we have given you way to much power and it is time we took it back. Cause you are the ones who can't be trusted nor can you handle the responsibility of all the power we have lent you. Note I said lent not gave cause the way they are treating us they have shown a total disregard to the basic rights we all deserve and have been promised.
Thank you for reading this mess. I hope you agree of not let me know where I have missed the mark. Peace to you all

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