China's 1984 'Memory Hole' Censorship Factories to Erase History

You know you have full spectrum dominance well in hand when you have to teach people the truth about history in order for them to even be able to censor and erase history from existence. That's seriously how good China has brainwashed and manipulated their citizens.


It's fucking scary shit if you think about. This is exactly what 1984 predicted. It's like 1984 was made to mimic communist politics. The "Party" was the name for the government that had people like Winston Smith work to erase documents from existence. Documents would be found that contradicted the current narrative of the "Party". Then Smith would dump the documents down the memory hole to be erased. Anyone who spoke in contradiction to the "Party" and it's fabricated history by upholding the truth would risk being persecuted and killed.

Well the New York Times recently published a piece on China's strikingly similar censorship and history erasure program. Technology is paramount for the execution of this control of the past to ensure dominance of the present and future:

hina has built the world’s most extensive and sophisticated online censorship system. It grew even stronger under President Xi Jinping, who wants the internet to play a greater role in strengthening the Communist Party’s hold on society. More content is considered sensitive. Punishments are getting more severe.

Once circumspect about its controls, China now preaches a vision of a government-supervised internet that has surprising resonance in other countries. Even traditional bastions of free expression like Western Europe and the United States are considering their own digital limits. Platforms like Facebook and YouTube have said that they would hire thousands more people to better keep a handle on their content.

Workers like Mr. Li show the extremes of that approach — one that controls what more than 800 million internet users in China see every day. Beyondsoft employs over 4,000 workers like Mr. Li at its content reviewing factories. That is up from about 200 in 2016. They review and censor content day and night.

“We’re the Foxconn in the data industry,” said Mr. Yang, comparing his firm to the biggest contract manufacturer that makes iPhones and other products for Apple.

Li Chengzhi is one worker in these factories, and he didn't even know about the Tiananmen Square crackdown that he needed to censor and erase information about. He had to be taught the truth in order to erase it. That's how effective the Chinese control of their populace is. This poor sap was already a successful mind controlled slave to the Chinese government. Now he helps to create more brainwashed fools like himself.

The future will be full of people who don't know history, and won't even know they are being lied to. This isn't just for China. We already have people who don't even care to learn about what happened, and just accept the mainstream version.

But the threat of the truth is still out there. Facebook and YoutTube have already begun the censorship wave in the Western world as they crackdown on counter-establishment narratives that upset the apple cart of "authoritative" doctrine about what has happened.

The effort to remove inaccurate, misinformation or disinformation through authoritative measures of censorship is a segway into greater control of information and what is allowed to be put "out there". Big tech will be followed by big government who will mirror what China is doing. We're all slowly being boiled in water, and many don't see the cage closing around us.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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