Safe Spaces are too DANGEROUS | SJW's are Killing Liberty


Censorship & Privacy Invasion: What's next?

Canada is going further down the SJW rabbit hole each day, and in a million little ways and I am terrified of where this is headed.

It started with, "we must tolerate all opinions", then "all opinions are true", now "if you don't agree with PC culture you're a bigot, and dangerous". When you add Big Brother's tracking and monitoring all my purchases, it seems a short hop from there to: "you cannot buy that, with your money, because its not PC".


The Danger of Safe Spaces

Canada desires to protect the weak and fragile from the pain of dialogue, debate and disagreement, by any means necessary.

We will create safe safes online by denying a voice to any who speak "hate", and in so doing protect the poor, innocent, fragile masses from hurt feelings. The only problem is, silencing "hate" is really code for silencing what you "hate to hear", reject and deny. Hate is a subjective opinion, not an objective reality. More importantly, words cannot hurt you, actions hurt you, and therefore, letting someone speak an undesirable opinion doesn't impede your safety.

Moreover, there is danger in creating such "safe spaces". The danger lies in the cost, which is nothing short of the denial of the very liberty and freedom which characterizes democracy itself.

It never ends...

Where does this end? Silence the right wing "hate" groups? What about typical conservatives? How about religious traditionalists?

Should we stop at denying their voice, or should we take their income also?

This is dangerous thinking, and its unfolding right before our eyes: want proof?

Canada says they can quash "hate" and let goodness reign... they are lying.

If you stop "hateful" voices, you are really denying voice to the ideas that you hate, reject and deny. That is a very slippery slope.

Thought police in Orwell's 1984 erased words from the dictionary to similarly prevent disagreement... in the end, everything was either "good" or "double plus good".

We should fight and reject big government's pursuit to protect us from ourselves. We do not need a nanny state, or safe space. The only thing safe spaces protect us from is free thought, and when we police thought we deny dissent.


Safe Space Solutions do NOT work

Seeking safe spaces is foolish, impractical and erodes at the foundation of personal liberty characteristic of a democracy. Safe space solutions only benefit the overly sensitive few, at the cost of a diminished freedom and liberty for all citizens.

The price of denying free speech, thought and expression is the death of liberty itself. Therefore, safe spaces are foolish, impractical and dangerous.



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